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Secrets of the Minor Arcana

Tarot's Minor Arcana cards feature suits, numbers and figures. Each of these elements has a specific and important meaning in a reading.

The Four Suits - Wands

Representing desire, what we want and why we want it, as well as inspiration, intention, orientation, actions, ambitions, creativity and passion. 

They are also assocaiated with Fire, the colour red, sexuality,business and the season of Spring.

When lots of Wands appear in a Spread, this indicates the need to take decisive action. An absence of Wands, meanwhile, suggests powerlessness, inability to act or restlessness.

The Four Suits - Cups

Symbols of emotions, what we feell and why we feel it. They stand for instincts, sentiments, empathy, open-mindedness, intuition and perception.

They alsocorrelate with Water, the colour blue, spirituality, relationships and Summer.

Lots of Cups in a Spread suggest that an inner journey is necessary, while their absence could indicate separation, coldness or boredom.

The Four Suits - Swords

Represents our thoughts, logic, reason, communication, intellect, rationality and analysis. 

They are also associated with Air, the colour yellow and the season of Autumn.

If numerous Sords appear in a Spread, this suggests the need to make decisions, strive for accuracy and do more research. Their absence indicates confusion, uncertainty and incomprehension.

Secrets of the Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana uncover what is hidden behind everyday events and describe the small mysteries of daily life. While the cards of the Major Arcana reveal the great influences at work in our lives, the Minor Arcana show how we experience these influences on a daily basis.

The 56 Minor Arcana cards are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Each suit is composed of ten Number Cards and four Court Cards.

The Minor Arcana, like the Major Arcana, describe a process of development. The objective is the same - growth - but the range is more limited, practical and personal.

The suits represent four areas of our lives, with the numbers on the cards standing for the ten phases of life that bring a person to maturity in each area. Finally, the Court cards represent the manner in which we act and think.

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