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The Numbered Cards

In a deck of Tarot cards, each suit has ten Number Cards, going from Ace up to Ten. In older, unillustrated decks, the value of a card was expressed simply by a number and the suit - so the Six of Wands featured just six wands.
Modern, illustrated decks, however, feature a symbolic image along with the card's value in number and suit.

The Numbered Cards

The ten cards of each suit represent ten steps on the road to maturity in relation to an individual's desire (Wands), emotions (Cups), thoughts (Swords) and material goods (Pentacles).

Ace - beginning or origin

Two - choice

Three - action

Four - foundation/result

Five - conflict

Six - collaboration

Seven - imagining alternatives

Eight - progress

Nine - challenges overcome

Ten - completion

The meanings of the Number Cards therefore combine the symbolism of each suit with the phase of the journey indicated by the number. The Two of Cups, for example, may suggest the need to make a choice (number two) of an emotional kind (cups). The Three of Wands, meanwhile, could indicate that you should act (number three) in order to reach an objective (Wands).

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