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Tarot Symbolism - Colours

For tarot readers in the know, colours aren't just for show - they're key to unlocking deeper meanings and practical advice for the person getting the reading, aka the Querent. Each shade paints a picture that tells us about emotions, energies, and what's bubbling beneath the surface.

Since way back, colours have had loads of symbolic meanings across different cultures. They can stir up emotions, change our moods, and trigger instinctive reactions, making them powerful in art, including tarot. Tarot readers pay close attention to these colour associations to add depth to their readings and get valuable insights.

In tarot, every card’s illustration is designed to send specific messages. Colours set the mood and provide emotional context, guiding the reader to understand the card’s meanings better. There isn’t a strict rulebook for colour interpretation in tarot, but experienced readers naturally pick up on the subconscious and emotional cues that colours give off.

Take the Major Arcana, for instance. The High Priestess often shows up in white (symbolizing purity) and blue (representing meditation), which adds to her mystical vibe. On the flip side, the Emperor card usually has strong red (symbolizing energy) and vibrant yellow (suggesting positivity). Even small details, like the grey robes of the Hermit or the white clothes of the angel in Temperance, add deeper meanings about introspection and balance.

It’s worth noting that these colour meanings can differ between tarot decks and are open to personal interpretation. With practice, tarot readers develop a natural feel for how colours enhance their readings, helping them uncover nuanced meanings and provide insightful guidance to those seeking answers.

Over time, each Tarot suit has picked up its own colour associations, a tradition that the Golden Dawn, a secretive occult group from the early 1900s, heavily influenced. Even though interpretations have changed a bit, these colour ties are still key to digging deeper into each card’s meaning.

Wands are usually linked with red, symbolizing fire and qualities like passion, creativity, and intensity. It’s a bold colour that captures the lively energy of the Wands suit.

Cups, however, are connected with blue, representing water and traits like emotion, intuition, and spirituality. Some modern decks also use green or yellow for Cups, adding hints of peace, nature, and liveliness to their meanings.

Swords are tied to yellow, symbolizing air and characteristics like intellect, logic, and quick wit. While some newer decks go for grey, blue, or purple for Swords, yellow traditionally highlights the sharp and analytical nature of this suit.

Pentacles are linked with brown, symbolizing earth and qualities like practicality, stability, and material concerns. However, in modern decks, green, yellow, or gold often take over brown, reflecting growth, prosperity, and the tangible aspects of life.

In decks like the Tarot of the Elves, colour symbolism is super clear, with each card’s main colour easy to spot. This makes it easier for readers to confidently use different techniques, helping them interpret spreads accurately based on these colour cues.

Meanings of Colour

The meanings we attach to colours today often trace back to ancient times, where different hues conveyed essential messages for early humans' survival. For instance, green signalled vegetation and water, promising sustenance, while red, associated with fire and blood, warned of danger.

As society evolved, these primal associations grew into more nuanced emotions, yet they remain deeply ingrained in our collective psyche.

Understanding these colour meanings can greatly enhance Tarot interpretations:

  • Red: Passion, action, strength, love, power, but also aggression and warning.

  • White: Purity, innocence, peace, healing, protection, and spirituality.

  • Blue: Spirituality, peace, truth, wisdom, inspiration, and emotional depth.

  • Black: Mystery, the unknown, protection, and sometimes negativity or darkness.

  • Yellow: Intellect, positivity, clarity, joy, energy, and creativity.

  • Grey: Neutrality, uncertainty, mystery, and indecision.

  • Orange: Energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and success.

  • Brown: Groundedness, practicality, stability, and connection to nature.

  • Violet: Spirituality, luxury, mystery, and magic.

  • Green: Growth, balance, health, abundance, and nature.

  • Pink: Love, kindness, nurturing, and innocence.

  • Metallics (Gold, Silver, Copper): Wealth, strength, luxury, and spiritual power.

These colour associations are super helpful for interpreting Tarot cards, offering insights into emotions, energies, and deeper meanings within readings.

Colours and Tarot Spreads

When you're reading Tarot spreads, colours can be super important for guiding interpretations and giving insights. A skilled reader can instantly pick up on the dominant colours in the cards, which often grab attention and shape initial impressions. For example, if green is everywhere in a spread (hinting at Pentacles in decks like the Tarot of the Elves), it might mean the querent's concerns are about practical or financial matters. This intuitive link sets the tone for how each card is understood and interpreted.

Even in decks without strict colour associations, noticing recurring or standout colours can offer valuable info. How the reader physically or emotionally reacts to these colours adds to their insights. For instance, a spread full of cool blue tones might highlight emotional or spiritual challenges, while lots of yellows could indicate decision-making dilemmas.

A Tarot reader tuned into colour symbolism digs into every detail of the cards – from the colours of clothing to background elements like flowers – which all add layers to the overall interpretation. This awareness deepens understanding and boosts intuitive readings.

Colour symbolism also helps set the mood for the reading space. Picking crystals or candles, deciding what to wear, or setting a specific ambience – all based on colour – can subtly influence the reading's atmosphere and the message conveyed to the querent. For example, blues and greens create a calm environment, while brighter shades make things feel more upbeat.

In short, using colour symbolism in Tarot readings makes the guidance offered to querents deeper and clearer, making the whole reading experience more insightful and meaningful.

Reading by Candlelight

When you're reading Tarot by candlelight, the colour of the candle you choose can add an extra layer of depth and intention to your session. Candles come in all sorts of shades, each with its own symbolic meaning and energy.

For instance, lighting a red candle can boost readings focused on passion, energy, and action. It’s great for diving into issues of desire and ambition.

On the flip side, a purple candle sets a vibe of spiritual wisdom and intuition, making it perfect for readings that aim to uncover deeper insights and connect with the subconscious.

By picking candles that match the season, the specific intention, or even a particular Tarot card you’re exploring, you can enrich your sessions and amplify the energies at play.

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