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The double-sided Viceversa Tarot deck is as unusual as it is stunning. Each of the 78 cards in the pack has two sides - meaning there are 156 cards to interpret and explore.

This number od cards and details might seem a bit daunting, so a simple Reading like the One-Card Spread is an ideal way to start working with the Vieversa deck.

With time and practice, you'll find that these striking cards can offer greater insights and meanings in your Readings.

Multi-Card Readings

Once you have mastered using your Viceversa deck with one-card Spreads, try a multi-card reading.

Select a Spread, lay out the cards and follow the instructions for each. If a solution is elusive, try disregarding the side facing up. Turn the cards over and rad the other side, interpreting it as what has been hidden from you or unknown thus far.

The Viceversa Tarot presents 'multi-dimensional' figures, allowing us to enter the card itself and explore the environment in which the figures move. A Viceversa Tarot Spread can therefore be viewed as a 'horizontal vision'. When reading a multi-card spread with the Viceversa deck, look at the cards as a part of a single horizon, a fluidity of observation where the details of the cards become relative, highlighting the total picture and the relations between the cards themselves.

Instructions - One-Card Spread

Shuffle or mix the cards in your usual way. Because these images are on both sides, you will need to determine what works for you when it cmes to mixing the cards. Some people may find it distracting to see different card images rather than identical card backs. If so, try squinting or half-closing your eyes, 'softening' your gaze rather than looking directly or even closing your eyes altogether.

Try looking to the horizon rather than down at the table - you'll still see the crds in your peripheral vision, so you don't feel out of control with the process. Try a few methods until you find one that works for you, then stick to it.

Take time to consider the question you or your Querent wish to ask the cards. For example, you could ask, 'What steps can I take to overcome life's challenges?', 'What can I do to enhance my financial situation?', or 'How can I improve my relationship?'

  1. Read the side facing you, without looking at the other side. Consider the imagery. Without looking up the interpretations, examine it slowly, taking in all the symbols. Study the paired visual symbols.

  2. Now turn the card over and follow the steps listed above, this time looking at the other side.

  3. Consider both sides and see what additional insights you can gain from comparing the two sides. Go back and forth until you feel you know the card well It can be helpful to describe it out loud, as if you are telling someone else what it looks like.

  4. Finally, read the descriptions on each of the cards In Detail pages (Major and Minor - Cups, Pentacles, Wands, Swords).

Newcomers to Tarot often feel that their goal should be to get off the 'book' as soon as possible and be able to read without referring back to lists of meanings. It's a good idea to set aside this expectation. 

First of all, there are no 'shoulds' in Tarot. The Tarot police won't arrest you and the Tarot scholars aren't going to test you!

Secondly, remember that Tarot is a lifelong study and there is always something new to learn. You may or may not agree with what the Tarot experts write - and this can be a positive thing. When you form your own opinions about the cards, you are affirming your intuition and insights, and developing your relationship with Tarot.

Instructions - Card of the Day Spread

Follow the instructions given for the standard Card of the Day Spread. Most of these instructions will still apply when you are working with the Viceversa Tarot, but this time you will want to consider the extra information provided by both sides of the card.

You can add more weight to the side that is turned over first, while considering the other side as secondary. Alternatively - and more commonly - you can consider both, thinking of them as two sides to the same coin. This will give you more information to work with and provide a broader understanding of the situation that you are exploring.

Descriptions on each of the cards In Detail pages (Major and Minor - Cups, Pentacles, Wands, Swords).

Using the Card of the Day for Meditation

The Card of the Day cn be part of a broader spiritual journey by providing a focus for meditation. Set aside some time every day to reflect on the card you have drawn and meditate on the message it contains for you.

Key Information


  • Number of Cards: One

  • Cards Used: Major Arcana

  • Objective: A quick and to-the-point indication

  • Layout: A single card laid upright, but study both sides.


  • Number of Cards: One

  • Cards Used: Major Arcana

  • Objective: To understand daily events in a wider context

  • Layout: One card only, but study both sides

Example Reading

One-Card Spread

VI The Lovers



The contradiction that leads to total vision. Opposites complement each other and conflict is only superficial. Awareness of oneself and the other.

The Cards Imagery

Between the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Lovers stand naked before an archangel. The woman and man present a yin/yang appearance f light and dark, each wearing a mask of opposite colour. A serpent can be seen in the Tree of Life, while the Tree of Knowledge is ablaze. From the burning tree comes the voice of the Divine. Choosing between knowledge and ignorance makes us vulnerable, yet it is how we creare an earthly paradise.

When you get this side in a reading

While this card does indicate a significant relationship, the symbols emphasise choice and seeing things through another's eyes. If you are faced with a choice, know that it will be easier if your significant other understands and supports that decision.



Freedom from the tyranny of pre-established models. Breaking down illusions through a profound understanding of opposites.

The Cards Imagery

Twilight descends upon the Lovers, who gaze out over a peaceful green landscape, ready to step forward into their life together. He bears he alchemical symbol for fire on his back, while she has the symbol for water. When united by Mercury, they form the hezagram that shines in the heavens.

When you get this side in a reading

The energy is cooler here than on the other side and more balanced. The Lovers are alone now - the archangel is gone - and there is a sense of clam. It should be easier to see where you are going and how you will get there together. Consider how your elemental qualities complement those of your significant other, where they clash and where they are in union.

Card of the Day

XIX The Sun



Central vision, the elimination of shadows. Sincere relationships and reciprocal help. Contact with one's inner child. Innocence. Awareness and growth.

The Cards Imagery

The Sun's stylised rays and benevolent face shine like a golden seal placed upon thi happy scene. The Sun, child, representing innocence and joy, wears a red tunic, a symbol of action. His horse companion stands ready to carry this innocent joy wherever it needs to go. The child has known only goodness and, like the sunflowers, turns always towards the light. The Sun card is considered the most positive in the deck, for all life grows and flourishes in the warmth of the sun.

When you get this side in a reading

When the Sun card appears, it bodes well for any situation being considered. It doesn't matter if you have doubts or fears, success is still assured. The universe is working in your favour. If you have been waiting for the right timing for a new enterprise, that time has come. Let your joy loose in the world, let your light shine. All will be well.



Intellectual, emotional and creative fulfilment, Continual and self-generating renewal. A safe physical and psychological refuge.

The Cards Imagery

with the Sun having set, the sky fills with stars, each one also a sun. As darkness comes, the child and horse take comfort in each other and the knowledge that the turning of the earth will bring the sunlight back again. An obelisk dedicated to the sun god Ra honours him as lord of all creation. A walled fortress stands at the border of the Sun child's garden, with armoured guards standing sentinel. The land beyond the wall is mountainous and beautiful. The ever-optimistic Sun child will venture forth to spread the light.

When you get this side in a reading

The Sun card is positive on both sides, with the difference here being that your doubts and fears are justified. Acknowledge challenges and be on your guard, but, as on the other side of the card, all will be well. Keep moving forward. Expand upon your plans to include contingencies for the darker times, but remember that morning will always come again.

What Could Happen?

You might choose to interpret the card as a representation of the whole day or you could take a more specific approach.

Here are a few examples of areas of interest that you might want to consider:

  • The anticiption of an imminent event: The Reader has been looking forward to a night out with friends but discovers that their ex-partner has also been invited. They weren't keen to see them again, but the meeting gives the Reader a chance o show their ex how well they are doing.

  • An important subject: A relation confides that she has been waiting for medical test results and is worried. The Reader's optimism helps to remind her that there is still hope that the results will be positive.

  • Something to think about: The Reader has been feeling bored for some time but lacked motivation to do anything about it. The Sun helps them to realise they need greater creative fulfilment. They sign up for an art class.

  • A suggestion on how to behave: A colleague hasn't been pulling their weight so the Reader has been burdened with extra ork, but has been too embarrassed to say anything. The Sun card gives them the confidence to talk to their workmate.

  • A challenge to be faced: The Reader is offered an opportunity to work abroad for a year. They are initially shocked and full of doubt about making such a big change. The Sun encourages them to see that this could be an exciting challenge and the enterprise they have been waiting for.

  • A warning: A ltter from the bank arrives warning that the Reader is close to their overdraft limit. Rather than panicking, they decide te now is the time to rethink their spending and start a spreadsheet.

  • Some encouragement: The Reader has been thinking about joining a gym but keeps putting it off. They look at the Sun card and feel hopeful, so decide to sign up that day.

  • An objective: Deciding they want to spread the positivity of the Sun card, the Reader buys a bunch of flowers for a friend.

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