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Using Intuitive Reading, you can involve everyone present in interpreting the cards.

Tarot doesn't always have to be about tackling challenges or addressing worries. It can also be fun and sociable, providing entertainment while exploring the Querent's personality and situation.

A night in with friends can be a good opportunity to bring out the Tarot cards. The Universal Vision Spread is perfect for this sort of occasion, when the atmosphere is relaxed and is no one has a serious or pressing problem.

It doesn't require the quiet privacy of a normal reading.

The objective, instead, is to have fun and use the Tarot to give everyone something to think about.

Using this Spread provides the perfect opportunity to practice Intuitive Reading. This gives everyone in the group the chance to offer their interpretations of the cards, not just the Reader.

This spread works particularly well when:

  • The reading is among friends who know each other well and have a good friendship.

  • There are more than two people present.

  • The reading is relaxed and doesn't touch on deep or problematic subjects.

1 - Personality

The card in the first position gives a summary of the Querent's personality. When the Reader reveals its meaning, he or she says, "This card describes your personality."

2 - Annoying Behaviour

This card represents the most annoying aspect of the Querent's character. It could be the thing that exasperates their friends or the sort of quirk friends often overlook. "This represents an annoying characteristics."

3 - Best Side

This represents the most admirable aspect of the Querent's character and can refer to physical features as well as behaviour. "This represents what we love about you."

4 - Greatest Challenge

Indicates the most important challenge facing the Querent. "This represents your greatest challenge."

5 - Secret Desire

This card represents the Querent's secret desire or something they'd love to do but can't admit it. "This card is a clue to understanding your secret desire."

6 - Greatest Strength

Signifying the Querent's greatest strength. "This card represents your greatest strength and best quality."

The Synthesis

As each card is turned over, the Reader describes it, then asks the Querent and others present what it means to them. The Reader gives their thoughts, taking note of the meanings suggested by the Querent and others. The Reader then reveals the significance of the position and interprets the card. The meaning suggested by the Querent relates to his or her self-image, while meanings given by others show how they see the Querent.

The Meaning chosen by the Reader, who has the greatest knowledge of the Tarot, represents what the Querent is really like. The Reader should interpret these three visions for every card. If the meanings are similar, this shows the Querent s well-balanced between public and private worlds. If contradictions arise, it suggests the Querent struggles with this.


The Reader doesn't need to prepare the cards in any special way - both Reader adn Querent shuffle and cut the deck. Six cards are then picked and placed in the layout (shown to the left), a pyramid shape, starting from the top.

There is no need for the Querent to ask a specific question. The Reader can simply say, "The purpose of this Spread is to give a Universal Vision of a person. We will discover what the cards say about you."

To allow everyone in the group to be involved, the Reader should not reveal the meaning of the positions as the cards are laid out, but instead as each is turned over.

Key Information

  • Number of Cards: Six

  • Cards Used: Major and Minor Arcana

  • Objective: Exploring someone's personality in a relaxed setting.

  • Layout: The cards form a pyramid made of three rows: one card at the top, two in the middle and three on bottom.

Example Reading


King of Swords

Essential Meanings: Analyis, Judgement

Keywords: Power, Authority, Charisma, Order, Decisive, Clear, Analytical, Impartiality, Rationality

A strong Authoritarian

The Querent is authoritarian and strong, with a streak of anger when faced with obstacles. He or she does not like to fight but is capable of winning when they do. Sometimes the Querent feels weighed down by thoughts and commitments.

Best Side

Page of Cups

Essential Meanings: Enthusiasm, Superficiality

Keywords: Messenger, News, Intuition, Psychic, Purpose, Receptivity, Catalyst, Romantic, Friend

A headstrong streak

With an opinion about everything, the Querent rarely admits to not knowing something. He or she has a tendency to interfere in other peoples affairs and sometimes makes judgements without full knowledge of the circumstances.

Greatest Challenge

Queen of Pentacles

Essential Meanings: Abundance, Conversation

Keywords: Heiress, Wealth, Comfort, Domesticity, Protection, Capable

Openness and Candour

The Querent is generous, shrewd and practical. When someone needs advice, he or she is always there, ready to say how things are without mincing words. The Querent will listen and say what he or she thinks in a clear, sincere manner.

Greatest Challenge

V Wands

Essential Meanings: Competition, Conflict

Keywords: Imitation, Simulation, Training, Fight, Rivalry, Strife, Challenge

Testing Times

This card suggests that the Querent is trying to test his or her own strength or skills against a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. However, there is no danger and there will be no terrible consequences if the Querent is not successful.

Secret Desire

The Hanged Man

Essential Meanings: Transcendence, Punishment

Keywords: Inversion, Halt, Reversals, Insight, Meditation, Sacrifice, Gestation, Acceptance, Initiation

A Desire to be Needed

The Hanged Man indicates that the Querent is fighting other's battles and paying the price for other people's mistakes. Being helpful and feeling needed means a lot to this Querent, who has a strong sense of responsibility and fairness.

Greatest Strength

II Cups

Essential Meanings: Union, Attraction

Keywords: Agreement, Affinity, Understanding, Couple, Toast, Love, Friendship, Reciprocity

A Trusted Confidante

There is a person close to the Querent who can draw out his or her best side. Thanks to this special individual, the Querent can confront any sort of obstacle, as long as he or she remembers to listen and, if necessary to change his or her mind about something.


The Querent is a strong person with a tendency to impose him or herself on others, something that can be a flaw or a virtue. When help isn't asked for, this can feel invasive, but hen help is needed, it can be invaluable. The Querent has no pressing challenges, but must continue to seek stimulation and new ventures. The desire to do something useful, even if it involves sacrifice, is always there. To maintain balance, he or she needs someone to rely on, whose advice and criticism they respect.

Depending on how the Querent and the others have interpreted the cards, the Reader will give a judgement either agreeing or disagreeing with them. The Reader can summarise the final interpretation by examining the cards row by row. The first row answers the question, "Who are you?", the second, "How do you behave?" and the third, "What do you want?"

In this case, the Reader can say "You are a strong person. You always express an opinion, take things to heart and try to do the right thing, but you must be careful not to go it alone."

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