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Past, Present, and Future Spread

The Past, Present, and Future Spread is one of the most essential and insightful spreads you'll learn. While it might seem like a way to predict the future, its true purpose is to create a timeline, connecting the present to the past and envisioning the future. This spread is based on the understanding that the past shapes the present, and the present evolves into the future.

Use this spread to:

  • Resolve past events

  • Understand your current situation

  • See a path forward

This method is excellent for exploring the connections between Tarot cards, as you'll read them in relation to one another. Interpreting the links between the causes of a situation, the situation itself, and its possible outcomes can yield crucial insights.

Always remember, the future is not set in stone; it is a changeable entity influenced by the present.

Instructions for the Past, Present, and Future Spread
  1. Shuffle the Deck:Both the Reader and the Querent should shuffle the deck.

  2. Infuse the Deck with Energy:Take the Tarot cards in your hands and knock or tap the pile a few times to spread your energy into the deck. Think deeply about your question while holding the cards, feeling it within.

  3. Shuffle with Intention:Shuffle the cards as long as you like, until you feel it’s time to stop. Spread out the cards and choose the one you are drawn to. If any cards jump out during shuffling, and you feel they are meant for you, take them.

  4. Cut the Deck:The Querent cuts the deck using their non-dominant hand.

  5. Place the Cards:The Reader places three cards in a straight line: the first to the left, the second in the middle, and the third to the right.

  6. Turn and Interpret the Cards:As the Reader turns the cards over, they should think or say:"This is what came before" (past)
    "This is about the present" (present)
    "This is the future" (future)

  7. Interpret the Cards:Refer to reference pages or your journal. The Reader interprets the cards in each position, considering how their meanings relate to one another.

  8. Synthesis:After examining each card individually, the Reader synthesizes all the elements, connecting the past, present, and future to provide a comprehensive interpretation.

Key Information

  • Number of Cards: Three

  • Cards Used: Usually the Major Arcana

  • Objective: A Quick and to-the-point indication

  • Layout: A single card laid upright

  • Example questions:

What should I do about...?

How will I...?

Where do I find...?

How should I...?

Example Reading

The Past: 0 The Fool

Keywords: Folly, Inexperience, Potential, Beginning, Adventure, Playfulness, Freedom, Originality, Carelessness, Action, Travel, Wandering, Essence, Madness, Visionary, Naive, Incomprehensible Action, Strangeness, Hiking, Pilgrimage, Thoughtlessness, Touched by Spirit, Trickster

Interpretation: The Fool indicates the past. This card suggests the Querent has come from a period of carefree, almost thoughtless living. They were happy and did not worry much about the future, taking each day as it came without goals or a sense of direction.

The Present: IV The Emperor

Keywords: Leadership, Pride, Domination, Responsibility, Solidity, Order, Power, Government, Father Figure, Rationalism, Rigidity, Precision, Arrogance, Discipline, Command, Egocentrism, Experience, Organisation, Law, Conservative, Inflexible, Tradition, Advantage, Sovereignty, Supremacy, Constriction, Administration, Requirement, Skill, Overlord

Interpretation: The Emperor commands the present. Having lived without much concern for the future, the Querent is now occupied with numerous activities and has learned to carefully manage their time and energy. They are now in a phase of life characterized by responsibility, order, and discipline.

The Future: IX The Hermit

Keywords: Isolation, Retreat, Introversion, Solitude, Experience, Ancient Truth, Pilgrimage, Silence, Philosophy, Guide, Quest, Reflection, Self-Reflection, Self-Sufficiency, Prudence, Austerity, Humility, Meditation, Search, Old Master

Interpretation: The Hermit reveals the future. The Querent is becoming more mature and self-sufficient but risks becoming isolated. They must take care to maintain friendships and make time for fun and socializing.


The three cards indicate a process of maturation. From the light-heartedness of the past emerges a new sense of responsibility. The present situation seems more constructive than what went before, and the Querent appears to be content. However, continuing on this path might lead to isolation, as suggested by The Hermit in the future position.

Advice for the Querent: The Reader could ask the Querent how much their friendships matter to them. If these relationships are important, then the Querent may want to adjust their behaviors to ensure these connections are maintained. The Fool and The Hermit appear to be opposites, while The Emperor represents a middle way between the two, suggesting the need for balance in the Querent's life.

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