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The beauty of a one-card tarot spread lies in its simplicity. It keeps things clear and focused, making it easier to grasp the card's message without getting lost in multiple interpretations.

Even seasoned tarot readers find value in a single-card reading. Its directness helps pinpoint specific advice or insights needed for navigating life changes or seeking guidance.

For beginners, starting with self-readings is great, but practicing on others can boost confidence and skill. Trust your intuition when interpreting cards.

Keywords and basic meanings of each card serve as handy guides whenever you feel unsure about their message.


Get your Tarot cards and give them a tap or knock to infuse them with your energy. 

Hold the deck and focus on your question deeply. When you're ready, start shuffling the cards. 

Shuffle for as long as you feel necessary until you sense it's time to stop. 

Spread out the cards and choose the one that catches your eye. 

Sometimes, cards might jump out during shuffling - feel free to pick any that resonate with you.

Next, the Querent (the one asking the question) should cut the deck using their non-writing hand. Then, the Reader turns over the top card.

When revealing the card, the Reader should think, 'This card holds all the answers I seek.'

Learning: Variants and Exercises

Each spread's page introduces new concepts and techniques. You'll find notes highlighting these aspects, along with variations that Readers can adapt as they progress in knowledge and skill, tailored to different types of questions.

For Tarot Experts

Flipping Card Shuffle Technique

Experienced card Readers often employ a technique where they shuffle the deck by flipping cards. Here's how it works: the Reader cuts the deck multiple times, deliberately turning some cards upside-down during each cut, while mixing the rest normally.

When the cards are laid out, some will appear reversed. In Tarot readings, reversed cards offer nuanced meanings. If a card isn't traditionally read reversed, it can be rotated to interpret its upright meaning as usual.

Key Information

  • Number of Cards: One

  • Cards Used: Usually the Major Arcana

  • Objective: A Quick and to-the-point indication

  • Layout: A single card laid upright

  • Example questions:

What should I do about...?

How will I...?

Where do I find...?

How should I...?

Example Reading

Card Drawn: II High Priestess

Key Meanings: Knowledge, Wisdom

Keywords: Secrecy, The Unknown, Intuition, Subconscious, Serenity, Introspection, Mystical Vision, Silence, Gestation, Faith

Reading and Interpretation

The II High Priestess represents a person attuned to mystical realms, possessing deep spiritual insights and wisdom. She relies on her intuition and inner guidance, often revealing hidden truths and secrets. When this card appears in a spread, it suggests that a significant secret or revelation is poised to impact future decisions. Trust your instincts and embrace your inner knowing to uncover the truth. Engaging in a spiritual journey can lead to profound enlightenment and inner harmony.

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