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This Spread is particularly helpful for a Querent who is seeking to understand how a specific situation might unfold. It will offer suggestions to help them think about the future and get an idea of how their perception and choices can influence a specific situation.


The Reader and the Querent should take it in turns to shuffle the whole deck. The Querent then cuts the deck using their non dominant hand. The Reader arranges six cards face down in four rows. The first row contains two cards, the second a single card, the third row two cards again and the last row another single card.

The Reader turns over one card at a time and interprets each card in its position, while takingin into account the relative meanings. It is essential to remember that Minor Arcana point to simpler, more everyday matters while the Major Arcana indicates more important themes.

If further information is needed, the variant version can be used for going deeper into the reading.The Reader can ask the Querent Depending on the Querent's response, new cards can be defined and added.

The Querent's Personality

Rather than representing the whole of the Querent's personality, this card symbolises the aspects of their character that are most pertinent to the current situation. Everything that a person does brings to light an attitude or partiular part of the self. If the card is from the Major Arcana, it indicates that personality is a key factor in understanding the situation, the problems faced and the possible solutions and outcomes.

How The Querent Deals With The Situation

This card indicates the way in which the Querent is currently prepared to tackle the situation. It answers the questions:"What is the Querent's goal in the circumstances?"and"How is he or she looking at the situation?". A Major Arcana card would suggest that the Querent's approach is particularly significant.

The Present

Representing the situation itself. It should be interpreted as a starting point from which all future scenarios may emerge. If the card comes from the Major Arcan, the situation in question will greatly influence the life of the Querent.

The Passive Future

The fourth card points towards the most likely future outcome if the Querent decides to do nothing and passively accept whatever happens. If this is a Major Arcana card it suggests the Querent is subjject to forces far greater than they are and indicates tht they could be at the mercy of events they cannot control.

The Active Future

In contrast to the prceding card, this reveals the future most likely to happen if the Querent decides to act and affect the situation in some way. Often this will stem from the influence of the Querent (as expressed by the first two cards) on the situation. This card might also suggest outcomes that affect the Querent and those around them. If this card is one of the Major Arcana, the Querent's actions will have a strong impact on the situation and their life.

The Mystery

The final card brings to light a mysterious aspect of the present situation. This is important because, even if the Querent has a clear view of what is happening to them, there is always something that is unknown. This card helps the Querent understand the limits of their own perspective when it comes to analysing circumstances. It suggests re-framing the situation or considering things i a different light. If this is a Major Arcna card, it means omething fundamental is unseen by the Querent, so they should pay close attention to their surroundings.

For the variant version

Each card should relate to an aspect of the situation about which further information is needed. In this example the seventh card represents forms of help that remain hidden, while the eigth stands for unseen obstacles.These cards are placed in a fifth row, below the Mystery card. When interpreting them, bear in mind that they relate to aspects of the situation the Querent is ignoring and should be integrated with the Mystery card.

Forms of Help That Remain Hidden

Obstacles That Haven't Been Seen


The third row of the SPread is likely to be the most important part of the synthesis because it features the two cards that represent the future. However, each row provides its own focal point.

The Reader can use this layout to better organise thoughts and understand how the cards and rows influence one another.

The first two cards put the spotlight on the Querent, exploring who they are and what they are doing. This helps the Querent see themselves from another point of view and analyse their own feelings and reactions to the situation.

The card in the second row describes the situation that the Querent is experiencing at the current time.

The third row reveals two possible outcomes that depend upon how the Querent chooses to act. In this part of the synthesis, the Readr concentrates on comparing the two cards instead of looking at the meanings of the individual cards. When the two cards reveal different outcomes, then the Querent's actions take on a significant role, but when they are similar, the situation won't be particularly dependent on the Querent's behaviour.

The card in the fourth row presents the unknown, the unexpected or the unthinkable. It is positioned after the future cards because it shifts the attention of the Reader and querent from what happens to what is percieved.

This reminds the Querent to look for things that are elusive or unknown, neglected or misunderstood. This card ends the Spread, assiting the Querent in examining both the situation and themselves before choosing what to do.

Individual Responsibility and the Future

By describing the active future and the passive future, it is possible for the Reader and Querent to draw comparisions between the two. If the two cards are similar, this suggests that the Querent doesn't have much power to affect the situation. Some possibility for action can be found in the uances, but he or she must be prepared to accept whatever happens.If the cards shows markedly different meanings (as in the example below), this means the Querent can radically influence his or her own future. This doesn't mean that all their wishes will come true, but rather that there is a possibility of making a choice and being master of their own destiny.

The Importance of Perception

Oftent he Tarot cards allow us to see things from the outside and with a sense of detachment. There will always be times when - out of anxiety, becuase we're rushing too much, fearing the opinions of others or simply because of a distraction - we forget to pay attention to something important. In a Tarot Spread it can be useful to look at some cards in detail to explore the perceptions that the Querent has of the situation. These can turn out to be fundamental in helping in the search for a solution.

Key Information

  • Number of Cards:


  • Cards Used:

    Major and Minor Arcana

  • Objective:

    To explore how a Querent's actions can influence future events. It also sheds light on factors that may be hidden from the Querent in a specifc situation.

  • Layout:

    Four rows of two cards, one card, two cards, and one card respectively.

    Key Information - Variant

  • Number of Cards:


  • Cards Used:

    Major and Minor Arcana

  • Objective:

    To explore how a Querent's actions can influence future events. It also sheds light on factors that may be hidden from the Querent in a specifc situation. This variant gives further information on things the Querent has not seen.

  • Layout:

    Five rows of two cards, one card, two cards, one card and two cards respectively.

Example Reading

The Querent's Personality

III Pentacles

Essential Meanings: Engineering, Planning

Keywords: Creativity, Craft, Talent, Project, Installation, Inspiration, Art, Collaboration, Consulting

Reveals Reliability

This card suggests the Querent has a strong and creative personality. They approach any goals one step at a time, avoiding becoming discuraged and overcoming problems by being steady and inventive. The Querent appears to be stable and reliable.

How the Querent Deals with the Situation

IV Swords

Essential Meanings: Meditation, Closure

Keywords: Reflection, Waiting, Stability, Withdrawal, Sleep, Solitude, Closing, Repose

Shows Ambiguity

The Querent's attitude to the situation is unclear to outsiders. They are either searching within to come to a decision or are for now avoiding making a choice, as this could risk them being exposed or their sense of balance upset.

The Present

King Cups

Essential Meanings: Charisma, Composure

Keywords: Patron, Protector, Visionary, Support, Charm, Sympathetic, Intuitive, Placid

Represents Responsibility

Other people view the Querent in the role of leader and expert, accepting their opinion on a range of topics. Though the Querent is respected, they alos bear the weight of great responsibility.

The Passive Future

XVIII The Moon

Essential Meanings: Mystery, Illusion

Keywords: Dreams, Cycles, Unconscious, Fantasy, Imagination, Romanticism, Decpetion, Instinct

Reveals Reverence

The presence of a Major Arcana card in this postion shows that the Querent doesnt have total control of the situation. The Moon card suggests that the Querent is idealised by the people around them. This can result in a distorted view, but this can still be positive. If the Querent does not act, then any difference between how they are and how they are perceived by others will become greater.

The Active Future

VI Swords

Essential Meanings: Journey, Escape

Keywords: Transition, Exile, Exploration, Obstacles, Recovery, Travel, Flux, Evolution

Symbolises New Potential

If the Querent decides to take action and turn away from their present role, they may eventually have to give up the activity they are involved in. Here the Six of Swords suggests a retreat or flight that could lead to new directions.

The Mystery


Essential Meanings: Release, Waiver

Keywords: Rejection, Journey, Restart, Freedom, Travel, Venturing, Changing Direction, Transition

Reveals Unchangeable Ideas

Whatever information or knowledge still eludes the Querent, there is no way to change the opinion of other people or convince them that their view of the Querent is incorrect. The role of leader is a strong one in the eys of others. It can either be accepted or avoided by leaving.


The Reader should first note that the Spread lacks any Wands, which indicates a lack of involvement and passion in the situation. This suggests little emotional investment and could explain why the Querent, who seems to have all the right qualities, feels uneasy with the unofficial role of leader and the responsibilities that come with it.The cards seem to contradict themselves, but this does not give us the whole story. The Querent's personality is confident and decisive, despite a lack of enthusiasm. At the current time, though, their unease and ambivalence is clear to others. Attempting to seek out a compromise is causing them fear and worry.

Unless the Querent resists or fights against the situation in a decisive way, people will continue to idolise them. They may be held up as a role model, even if it is against their will. If the Querent takes decisive action instead, they can reverse the process. However, this may risk upsetting their sense of balance and force them to alter their commitments or interests. Fortunately, the lack of Wands emphasises that the Querent is not particularly connected to what they possess. The mystery card suggests that an attempt at compromise is not the solution. This means it is not possible to return to the way things were - the best outcome will be to accept the situation as it is and move forward.

For the Variant

Forms of Help That Remain Hidden

Ace of Wands

Essential Meanings: Creativity, Initiative

Keywords: Enterprise, Bud, Originality, Brilliance, Spark, Vision, Adventure

Indicates A Spark of Creativity

This card relates to forces, recourses, people and events that could be beneficial to the Querent but are hidden from view. The Ace of Wand suggests that a role of responsibilty could reignite the Querent's enthusiasm and passion.

Obstacles That Haven't Been Seen

Queen of Cups

Essential Meanings: Sensitivity, Emotionality

Keywords: Wife, Lover, Friend, Empathy, Understanding, Listening, Affection, Falling in Love

Symbolises Sensitivity

The Queen of Cups indicates the sphere of emotions. As the sixth card also belogs to the suit of Cups, this could mean the Querent is undervaluing emotion and using reason alone to make decisions.

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