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Preparing to Read Tarot

Ready to dive into a tarot reading? Follow these simple steps to get started:

How to Sit:

Sit opposite your querent (the person you're reading for). Just like in all those tarot illustrations, the reader (that’s you) should be on one side of the table, and the querent on the other.

How to Mix the Cards:

  1. Check the Deck: Make sure all the cards are facing the right way.

  2. Shuffle: Both you and the querent take turns shuffling. There’s no wrong way to do this, but gentle shuffling is best. Agitation or aggression can affect the energy of the cards and the reading.

  3. Focus on the Question: As you shuffle, open yourself up to the surrounding energy and ask your question out loud. Take your time, and imagine a pure energy connecting you, the querent, and the cards.

  4. Cut the Deck: Once shuffled, cut the deck into three sections. The querent should use their non-dominant hand to do this. Then, compile the sections back into one deck and give it one last shuffle.

  5. Turn the Card: The querent cuts the deck with the hand they don’t write with, and then you, the reader, turn the card over.

The Question:

  1. Formulate a Clear Question: Start with a clear, open-ended question. Avoid yes or no questions as they restrict the cards from providing detailed insights.

    • Instead of "Should Elizabeth marry Fitzwilliam?" ask "What does Elizabeth need to know about her future with Fitzwilliam?"

  2. Understand the Question: Make sure you fully grasp the querent’s question.

  3. Avoid Ambiguity: Be specific and avoid asking the same question multiple times. If uncertain about a reading, note it down in a journal and reflect on it before trying again.

  4. Connect with the Question: Write the question down and repeat it aloud. This helps draw the question into your subconscious, allowing for a more intuitive reading.

How to Place the Cards:

  1. Follow the Spread: Each tarot spread has a specific layout. Place the cards in the order indicated by your chosen spread.

  2. Face Up or Down: Some readers place the cards face down and flip them one at a time, while others lay them face up immediately. Choose what feels right for you and your querent.

  3. Interpretation: Discuss the meaning of each card as you lay it down, especially if the querent seems nervous. This step-by-step approach can help ease any anxiety and make the reading more insightful.

Instructions for Choosing and Using Tarot Spreads

Finding the Right Spread

Choosing a tarot spread often boils down to personal preference and the question at hand. Some spreads will feel more intuitive to you, while others might be trickier to interpret. The perfect spread depends on your preference, the querent's question, and the time you have for the reading. For example, the Horseshoe Spread is more time-consuming than a simple three-card layout. When in doubt, trust your instincts. Tarot reading is about combining the significance of a card's position with the meaning of the card itself. After interpreting the cards in each position, you can create a cohesive message, known as the synthesis, to answer the querent's question. Each spread is designed to help you easily formulate this synthesis.

Types of Spreads

As you delve into tarot, you'll encounter a variety of spreads, from the straightforward One Card Spread to more complex layouts requiring advanced skills.

When to Use Certain Spreads

There's no "right" or "wrong" spread for any situation. Most readers choose a spread based on the querent's question. Simple questions often don't need elaborate spreads like the Celtic Cross. A one or three-card spread can provide plenty of clarity.

Each spread’s page will include essential details such as:

  • Number of Cards: How many cards the spread requires.

  • Cards Used: Whether to use the complete deck, just the Major Arcana, or a specific combination.

  • Objective: The type of answers the spread aims to provide. An experienced reader can choose the spread that best suits the querent's question.

  • Layout: How to position the cards and any symbolic meanings.

  • Position of the Cards: Illustrations will show the sequence and positions for placing the cards. Each position corresponds to a specific aspect of the answer.

Why So Many Tarot Spreads?

The variety of tarot spreads exists to address the endless array of questions querents may ask. As a reader, you need to adapt your techniques to provide the best answers. Different spreads lead readings in different directions. Some are more detailed, helping you create a more comprehensive synthesis, while others use particular techniques to get to the heart of the querent's question.

For Tarot Experts

Shuffling the Cards by Flipping Them Over

Experienced readers sometimes use a shuffling technique that involves flipping cards. Here's how it works:

  1. Cutting the Deck: Cut the deck several times, turning certain cards upside-down each time.

  2. Mixing: Mix the cards as usual after each flip.

When you lay the cards out, some will be reversed. You can then use the reversed meanings in your reading. If a card isn’t meant to be read in reverse, simply rotate it and interpret it as normal.

Example Readings

Understanding how a spread works is often best achieved through examples. Even if different cards come up in your readings, seeing how an expert interprets them can provide valuable insights. As a beginner, you should start reading the cards right away and practice regularly. Initially, you'll rely on keywords and reference guides, but as you gain experience, you'll draw more complex conclusions and harmonize card positions more accurately.

Learning: Variants and Exercises

Each spread's page will introduce new concepts and techniques, highlighting key aspects and variations. These can be adapted as your knowledge and skills progress, helping you answer particular questions more effectively. Be sure to visit the Exercises page for hands-on practice.

Example Reading: Three-Card Spread

Spread: Three-Card Spread

Question: "What should I focus on this month?"

  1. Past: The Lovers

    • Interpretation: Choices and partnerships have been significant recently. This could relate to personal relationships or major life decisions.

  2. Present: The Hermit (Reversed)

    • Interpretation: You might be feeling isolated or disconnected. Now is a good time to seek guidance and connect with others.

  3. Future: The Wheel of Fortune

    • Interpretation: Change is on the horizon. Embrace the shifts and trust that the universe is steering you in the right direction.

Synthesis: Recent choices and relationships have set the stage for a period of introspection. While you might feel isolated now, connecting with others will help you navigate upcoming changes.

Example Reading: Horseshoe Spread

Spread: Horseshoe Spread

Question: "What can I expect in my career this year?"

  1. Past: The Tower

    • Interpretation: Recent upheavals or unexpected changes have shaken your professional life.

  2. Present: The Star

    • Interpretation: There's hope and renewal. You're finding your direction and healing from past disruptions.

  3. Future: The Empress

    • Interpretation: Creativity and growth will define your career path. Nurture new ideas and projects.

  4. Advice: The Chariot

    • Interpretation: Stay determined and focused. Your drive and ambition will lead to success.

  5. External Influences: The Devil (Reversed)

    • Interpretation: You're breaking free from unhealthy patterns or influences that have held you back.

  6. Hopes and Fears: Strength

    • Interpretation: You hope to maintain courage and resilience but fear not being strong enough to overcome obstacles.

  7. Outcome: The Sun

    • Interpretation: Joy and success are on the way. Your efforts will pay off, bringing happiness and achievement.

Synthesis: Despite recent turmoil, your career is heading towards renewal and growth. Stay focused and determined, and you'll overcome obstacles, leading to a fulfilling and successful outcome.

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