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The Greater Wisdom Spread does not focus on the past, present or future but rather explores the Querent's psychological and spiritual state. The Spread is not designed to solve problems. Its purpose is to make your client aware of his or her different positives sides - and to connect with the wiser, kinder part of themselves. This experience can create a ripple of change and inspire them to uncover resources and possibilities that have perhaps previously been neglected. You can use a complete deck when conducting a reading with this Spread or, if you prefer, you can use only the Major Arcana cards. The latter can have a greater impact by revealing more significant themes. Because of its emphasis on the spiritual and psychological, this is an ideal Spread for carrying out a ready for yourself.


This may feel like a difficult topic to broach. To ease it into the conversation, ask the Querent how he or she thinks the greater wisdom embodied in the sixth card can affect his or her life. Find out how he or she thinks it can change ways of thinking, inspiration, creativity and insight for the better. Comparing the greater wisdom card to all the previous cards can also be effective.

When ready, shuffle the cards and cut the deck as usual (using the hand that they DON'T write with). Draw six cards and place them face down. The first four from left to right, then one below the row and finally one above. Reveal the Arcana one by one and interpret them as described below. Each card can be seen as a different aspect of the Querent's inner resources. Once you have finished interpreting the individual cards, you can give a summary of the whole reading.


When a Spread is about a person's psychological state, it may be a challenge to end the reading with a practical call to action. Failing to do so, however, risks leaving your Querent without any constructive guidance that he or she can use to bring about positive changes in life.

Key Information

  • Number of Cards: Six

  • Cards Used: Major and Minor Arcana

  • Objective: To get in touch with a greater inner or higher wisdom and seek guidance from the better part of oneself.

  • Layout: Four cards placed in a row; with one card below it and one above it.

Example Reading

What I Think

This card represents the sitter's ideas, perceptions and opinions. It signifies how they think, absorb and process information.

III The Empress

Essential Meanings: Nurturing, Fertility

Keywords: Nature, Productivity, Creativity, Abundance, Material Prosperity, Joy, Comfort, Sexuality, Beauty, Mother Figure

The Empress uncovers Creativity

This card suggests that the Querent is thinking about using artistic creativity and being productive. He or she has big ideas and would like to live a happy, harmonious life, enjoying prosperity and surrounded by positive influences.

My Inspirations

The second card symbolises what inspires and motivates the Querent - the things that spark curiosity and provoke interest.

XI Justice

Essential Meanings: Law, Justice

Keywords: Decision-Making, Adjustment, Intellect, Impartiality, Logic, Fairness, Equality, Insensitivity, Severity

Justice calls for The Truth

Justice signifies someone who dislikes injustice in any way and hopes for a world where everyone and everything is treated fairly. The Querent has desire to create order and balance in all that he or she does, feeling inclined to speak the truth.

My Creativity

This card stands for the sitter's creative energies. It points to the things that spur him or her into action and that he or she is gifted at doing.

XVII The Star

Essential Meanings: Hope, Infinity

Keywords: Optimism, Openness, Calmness, Trust, Joy, Serenity, Beauty, Inspiration, Insight, Purity, Farsightedness

The Star points to Big Dreams

This card is about hope and wish fulfilment. In this position, it indicates that the sitter has a deep wish, which could come true but will require creative thinking, self-belief and some effort for it to happen.


A symbol of how the Querent perceives their emotions and feelings, the fourth card describes the way he or she sees the inner self. It can also indicate a source of sudden understanding about him or herself.

VI The Lovers

Essential Meanings: Choice, Love

Keywords: Passion, Sensuality, Union, Pleasure, Desire, Attraction, Affinity, Bonding, Romance, Alliance, Harmony

The Lovers shows Strong Emotions

Relationships are important to the Querent, so being in love or expressing strong emotions is vital to their well-being. He or she is also someone who brings passion to all their interests. Having a choice in all matters brings out the best in this person.

Where I Am

This card depicts the sitter's current psychological state and he or she is feeling. These feelings are not to be seen as a problem but rather a starting point from which there is the opportunity to evolve thanks to the greater wisdom received from the reading.

XVIII The Moon

Essential Meanings: Mystery, Illusion

Keywords: Dreams, Cycles, Unconscious, Fantasy, Imagination, Romanticism, Deception, Instinct

The Moon calls for Clarity

This card shows that the Querent is uncertain about many things at the moment and seeks clarity. It is possible he or she has lost trust and needs to regain it by being true to him or herself. This will make clear any illusions they might have.

The Greater Wisdom

The final card represents a source of inspiration, creativity and insight that is new to the Querent. It could indicate where to look in order to take a next step, a personal quality to nurture or just useful advice. The purpose of this card is to encourage your sitter to listen to the wiser part of themselves, as doing so is likely to provide useful and empowering insights.

II The High Priestess

Essential Meanings: Knowledge, Wisdom

Keywords: Secrecy, The Unknown, Intuition, Subconscious, Serenity, Introspection, Mystical Vision, Silence, Gestation, Faith

Wisdom from The High Priestess

The High Priestess asks the Querent to trust their inner voice and be guided by it. To gain deep insights into the situation, the Querent should listen to their intuitive wisdom. It is important not to give too much to others all at once and that he or she gradually discovers their own value.


This reading shows that the Querent sees him or herself as a gentle and benevolent person. He or she always tries to act and think based on feelings rather than with hard logic.However, he or she has a strong sense of right and wrong and often gets involved in conflicts due to the strength of his or her beliefs. He or she would like to avoid these small battles and everyday struggles and just be allowed some space and time. The sitter also feels a little alone and, despite being good at relationships in general, has trouble feeling fully understood by a partner to close friends and family. At times, it seems as though the responsibility for making an effort with people rests solely on his or her shoulders, resulting in feelings of confusion and loss.The greater wisdom card advises not to give away too much to others, to step back, reduce efforts and get them come to him or her instead. The sitter should let people discover how precious he or she is, rather than taking him or her for granted.

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