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When you practice Tarot, bear in mind that the future is not set in stone, but an objective that will be affected through a person's actions. Before reaching a future objective, however, an obstacle may need to be overcome - which is where the Golden Crown Spread can help. The emphasis here is on the life lesson that can be learned, which helps us find the positive in any situation.

The Past

This card represents an event in the past that is the cause of the current situation or strongly influences it. It can be considered as the root of the problem or the starting point for what is happening now.

The Present

This symbolises the current situation and may refer to an outside situation or the sitter's psychological state. On some occasions, the card in the present position may be used to indicate the problem the Querent id facing, and what could be improved in his or her life.

The Obstacle

The third card stands for an obstacle that needs to be dealt with and overcome in order to resolve the situation and proceed in a positive way. Like the present, this obstacle may be something external or an internal psychological state. It should not be seen as a problem, but as a challenge or a barrier between the present and the future.

The Future

This card indicates how the situation may evolve. While certain things will happen in person's future over which he or she will have no power, this card represents a possibility tor option for improvement. The Querent can set this future as an objective, to teach or avoid.

The Life Lesson

This card indicates what your sitter can learn from his or her experience. It's a reminder of how he or she can develop personally - and of the lessons that can be taken from what has happened. A life lesson can help foster emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth.

The Synthesis

Interpreting the Golden Crown Spread happens in two parts. The first takes place after the four top cards have been interpreted, by paying particular situation that the reader is exploring. Then turn over the last card and, as you consider tit's meaning, focus on the idea that, regardless of what the future holds, the situation is providing an opportunity for growth. With more experience, you will gin deeper insight by comparing the Future and Life Lesson cards. The Future suggests a short-term purpose or gain and a solution for the current situation, while the Life Lesson speaks more broadly of the Querent's life, values and direction.

The four cards are placed from left to right, while the fifth card is placed sideways underneath them, as if supporting the row of cards above. Revel ach of the four top cards, one by one, going from left to right, interpreting each on its own y referring to the Essential Meanings and Keywords. Once you have finished interpreting the first fur cards individually and considering what they might mean taken together, turn over and interpret the fifth card. At this point, you can start summarising the whole Spread, a process which should give you deep insight into the situation you are exploring.


Once the Querent has asked his or her question, begin by shuffling the Tarot deck as normal. Place five cards face down in the positions below.

Key Information

  • Number of Cards: Five

  • Cards Used: Major Arcana

  • Objective: To understand how to resolve a situation in a positive way that will enhance your life or that of the person you are reading for.

  • Layout: Four cards placed as the points of a crown, with the fifth card forming the base.

Example Reading

The Past: III The Empress

Essential Meanings: Nurturing, Fertility

Keywords: Productivity, Creativity, Nature, Abundance, Material Prosperity, Joy, Comfort, Sexuality, Beauty

The Empress describes The Past

Traditionally, the Empress represents maternal strength. It is the mother who nourishes and takes care of others. In this instance, the origins of the current situation might stem from a kind and friendly figure, who has defended and protected the Querent.

The Present: XIX The Sun

Essential Meanings: Light, Truth

Keywords: Growth, Energy, Clarity, Glory, Exuberance, Happiness, Success, Heat, Trust, Awareness, Radiance

The Sun throws light on The Present

The Sun card is usually associated with energy, light, clarity and joy. It could be that the Querent is in a particularly happy place at the moment, active and full of energy, but too much light might not allow him or her to see small, hidden details.

The Obstacle: XVI The Tower

Essential Meanings: Demolition, Destruction

Keywords: Ruin, Reduction, Breakdown, Shock, Explosion, Dispute, Liberation, Estrangement, Chaos

The Tower represents The Obstacle

The Tower often indicates the need to destroy certainties and beliefs in order to open the way to something new and different. Perhaps, in this case, the difficulty is the Querent's excessive self-confidence, which makes it hard to help others.

The Future: IV The Hierophant

Essential Meanings: Guidance, Dogmatism

Keywords: Religion, Faith, Education, Instruction, Mentor, Teaching, Belief Systems, Tradition

The Hierophant anticipates The Future

The Hierophant is associated with tradition but also advice and wisdom. We might therefore imagine that the Querent is no longer too focused on themselves but is able to live in harmony with those around him or her. Success as it is represented in the Sun is personal, while in the Hierophant to results from teamwork.

The Life Lesson: XIII Death

Essential Meanings: Transformation, Ending

Keywords: Expiration, Transition, Evolution, Passage, Progress, Conclusion, Regeneration, Loss, Release, Cleansing

Death expresses The Life Lesson

The Death card suggests a sudden, irreversible and unpredicted change. From this, the Querent might learn that a situation sometimes has to be given up in order to gain benefit. The card, therefore, teaches us that a change of direction can be useful, even when it is not forced upon us. Death can also be seen as an expression of the fear of change. You might want to ask the sitter to reflect on it and think about how hard it is for him or her to initiate change. Should they opt for a gradual shift or immediate transformation?


In order to get a sense of the combined meanings of the first four cards revealed, try to keep in mind the question that has been asked of them, which represents the situation that is currently being experienced and any doubts surrounding it. In this reading, the cards suggest the sitter is currently protected (as indicated by the Empress) and experiencing a positive moment, though one that is centred principally on him or herself (as symbolised by th Sun). A possible objective would be to look for greater harmony with everything that surrounds the Querent (the Hierophant). In order to attain this, however, he or she must be prepared to give up on certain things that provide security and form the basis of the current equilibrium (the Tower is an obstacle that must be overcome),The fifth card is Death, which indicates that he or she is entering into a moment of transformation, even though happy with their current lot (the Sun). The life lesson is that there are ways in which a person can develop, even when not forced to do so - and that sometimes we must accept sacrifices, even when the benefit of doing so is not immediately evident.

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