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The Spread is divided into three parts. The first two cards, called the Cover and the Cross, describe the Querent and his or her situation.

The following four cards, the Wheel, are placed in a circle around the first two. They offer greater insight into the situation, the Querent's past and aspirations, as well as the obstacles in the way.

The final four cards - the Tower - provide guidance for the future and for a solution.


Take a few moments to focus, then shuffle the Tarot deck. Have your sitter shuffle the cards after you and then cut the deck with their non-dominant hand.

Place ten cards face up in the layout of the Celtic Cross as shown to the left.

Consider the cards one at a time in the order shown and interpret each Arcana with the position in mind. Use the Essential Meanings and Keywords to create the interpretation. Once you have interpreted all the cards, summarise the entire reading in a synthesis.

Key Information

  • Number of Cards: Ten

  • Cards Used: Major and Minor Arcana

  • Objective: To understand the forces at play in a Querent's life and help make sense of them.

  • Layout: Two cards cross one another in the centre, with four cards encircling them (top, bottom, left then right). The final four cards from a tower, from bottom to top, on the right-hand side of the circle.

Example Reading

The Cover

V Pentacles

Essential Meanings: Need, Poverty

Keywords: Lack, Deficiency, Longing, Cold, Dark, Sadness, Despair, Victim, Hardship, Struggle

The Cover reveals the Situation

The Querent is feeling scared, insecure and lacking self-confidence. The cause may be financial. His or her fear is making it harder to find a solution.

The Cross

VIII Pentacles

Essential Meanings: Work, Habits

Keywords: Commitment, Dedication, Skill, Routine, Repetitive, Craftmanship, Proficiency

The Cross presents the Challenges

The sitter works hard but feels no satisfcation from his or her efforts, which are made solely to achieve a result. This means it is hard to feel motivated.

The Crown

VI Pentacles

Essential Meanings: Favour, Charity

Keywords: Generosity, Gift, Altruism, Distribution, Fairness, Mercy, Justice, Aid, Alms

Uncovering what the Querent wants

The or she has a worthy goal, not motivated by selfish desires but rather care for others. Despite this, he or she recieves little help in achieving their objectives.

The Foundation

XI Justice

Essential Meanings: Justice, Law

Keywords: Decision-Making, Adjustment, Impartiality, Logic, Fairness, Equality

The Foundations of the Problem

This situation arose because the sitter put too much faith in the belief that effort equals reward. He or she has put in a lot of work but it isn't paying off.

The Past

VII Swords

Essential Meanings: Subterfuge, Indiscretion

Keywords: Gossip, Confidentiality, Subtely, Intrigue, Deception, Stealth

Recent Events Brought to Light

The sitter has tried to hide his or her feelings about the situation and solve the problems alone. He or she is ashamed of being weak and needy.

The Future

XX Judgement

Essential Meanings: Renewal, Awakening

Keywords: Revelation, Resurrection, Examination, Rebirth, Absolution, Redemption

What Will Come to Pass

The situation looks likely to get worse before it gets better. The Querent may struggle to admit vulnerability due to a lack of self-confidence.

The Self

XII The Hanged Man

Essential Meanings: Transcendence, Punishment

Keywords: Inversion, Reversals, Insight, Halt, Meditation, Sacrifice, Gestation, Surrendering

The Self Revealed in The Hanged Man

The Sitter sees him or herself as a victim, feeling in limbo and unable to move on. An alternative perspective is needed to address the situation.

The Other

XV The Devil

Essential Meanings: Passion, Excess

Keywords: Shadow, Falsehood, Forbidden, Materialism, Obsession, Anxiety

The Devil warns of Other's Attitude

One additional problem is that the other people involved may end up mistrusting the Querent and he or she could end up being used as a scapegoat.

Hopes and Fears

VII Cups

Essential Meanings: Fantasy, Temptation

Keywords: Choices, Illusions, Desires, Visions, Envy, Deception, Dreams, Daydreams

Seven Cups Show Mixed Feelings

The Sitter feels confusion of hopes and fears. He or she would like to admit to mistakes and ask for help to ease the pressure but is too afraid to do so.

The Final Result

VIII Wands

Essential Meanings: Speed, Action

Keywords: Movement, Flying, Climax, Reaction, Speed, Rushing, News, Flow

Eight Wands Herald Action for Change

Events will suddenly turn without the Querent's efforts. It will require courage to relinquish control. He or she cannot reach a solution without change.


The Querent has taken on too much, having underestimated the challenge. It is difficult to find a way out and the more effort that is put in, the more effort it is necessary to make. He or she is scared that continuing to act in the same way will make things worse.

It could be helpful to focus the Querent's attention on the Judgement and Eight of Wands cards, representing Future and Final Result. He or she can be reassured that the situation will eventually resolve itself if there is an ability to face things head-on, through change and understanding.

The Sitter must embrace and adopt change to allow a sense of confidence and motivation to return. As his or her inner world improves, the Querent will find that outside problems will become easier to face.

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