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What's In A Number?

The appearance of numbers in a spread can suggest additional meanings:

Aces - indicate indecision when faced with two conflicting choices

  • Four: A time of beginnings. Lots of energy and potential.

  • Three: Good news is on its way.

  • Two: Partnership. A new home or love affair.

Twos - signify the need to evaluate options carefully

  • Four: Gatherings of people.

  • Three: Many changes.

Threes - suggest taking immediate action

  • Four: Creativity, determination

  • Three: Deceit, changeable circumstances.

Fours - underline the need for change

  • Four: Contentment, security.

  • Three: Hard work ahead.

Fives - show the importance of conflict

  • Four: Competition, discord.

  • Three: Routine activities, stability.

Sixes - indicate the need to collaborate with others

  • Four: Good fellowship and harmony.

  • Three: Achievements.

Sevens - suggest adopting a creative approach

  • Four: Intrigue, lies and theft.

  • Three: Good fortune.

  • Two: True love.

Eights - signal the need to make an effort

  • Four: Journeys and news.

  • Three: Good news about relationships.

  • Two: Surprises.

Nines - suggest gathering strength for a last effort to reach an objective

  • Four: High achievements and rewards.

  • Three: Good health and prosperity.

  • Two: Legal documents and contracts.

Tens - advise avoiding excesses and exaggerations

  • Four: Remarkable triumph (if any are reversed then obstacles to overcome).

  • Three: Legal problems.

  • Two: New employment and good luck.

Major Arcana Numbers
  • Magician (One): Linked to Aces, indicating new beginnings and potential.

  • Other Major Arcana numbers appearing in the spread may carry special significance, reflecting their archetypal meanings.

Court Cards
  • Four: Schools, colleges, universities, groups of young people.

  • Three: Good social life, fun, lively parties.

  • Two: Quarrels between friends.

  • Four: Speedy action.

  • Three: Small gatherings of men.

  • Two: Reunions with old friends.

  • Four: Small gatherings of women (reversed may indicate spoiled gatherings).

  • Three: Helpful female friends.

  • Two: Gossip, rivalry, and back-stabbing.

  • Four: High achievements, important affairs, recognition by peers.

  • Three: Powerful and influential men.

  • Two: Business partnership, cooperation.

Interpretation Guidelines
  • Proximity: Cards that are close together in a spread influence each other's meanings.

  • Context: Consider the overall context of the spread and the Querent's situation to interpret numbers and Court Cards effectively.

  • Special Connections: Major Arcana numbers appearing in Minor Arcana cards can highlight their significance in the reading.

By understanding these associations, Tarot readers can provide deeper insights into the meanings conveyed by numbers and Court Cards in a Tarot spread, helping to guide the Querent through their questions and concerns.

Tips for Connecting with Tarot Cards

  1. Start with a Clear and Focused Mind:

    • Begin your Tarot session by taking a few deep breaths to clear your mind.

    • Release any distractions or worries to focus your energy on the cards and the reading ahead.

  2. Understand Individual Card Meanings:

    • Familiarize yourself with the meanings and symbolism of each Tarot card.

    • Study how each card resonates with different aspects of life, emotions, and situations.

  3. Pay Attention to Imagery:

    • Tarot cards are rich in symbolic imagery. Observe the colors, symbols, and figures depicted on each card.

    • Interpret how these elements contribute to the overall message and theme of the card.

  4. Look for Patterns:

    • Analyze the relationships and connections between cards in a spread.

    • Notice recurring themes, contrasts, or parallels that emerge, as they often highlight significant aspects of the reading.

  5. Practice Regularly:

    • Tarot reading is a skill that improves with practice. Dedicate regular time to study and work with your cards.

    • The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become in interpreting the cards.

  6. Trust Your Intuition:

    • Tarot cards are tools for tapping into your intuition and inner wisdom.

    • Trust your instincts and gut feelings during a reading. Your intuition often provides valuable insights beyond the literal meanings of the cards.

  7. Keep a Journal:

    • Maintain a Tarot journal to record your readings, insights, and interpretations.

    • Document the cards drawn, the questions asked, and your reflections on each reading.

    • Reviewing your journal entries over time can reveal patterns in your readings and help track your growth as a Tarot reader.

By following these tips, you'll build a stronger connection with your Tarot cards, deepen your understanding of their meanings, and enhance your ability to provide insightful readings for yourself and others.

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