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Dark times and suffering can make anyone feel weak, powerless and lost. In such difficult situations, it is important to seek solace from others and discover strength in yourself, allowing you to overcome challenges. The Angelic Wisdom Spread gives a Querent four options for future action, which are represented through the metaphor of a helping hand from four guardian angels.

Helping Hands

You don't have to believe in angels to find this Spread helpful, however. The idea of angelic intervention is a metaphor for helping someone as thoroughly and simply as possible. The purpose of the Spread is to use the cards to guide the Querent towards the true origin of their pain and, in doing so, help them find a way to react and take control of the situation.The cards are laid out to form two different shapes. The first four cards symbolise a cross and reflect an earthly perspective, providing indications as to the nature of the problem troubling the Querent.The next four cards symbolise four angel wings that branch out formt he cross. These too reflect the Querent's problem, but from a heavenly perspective, providing support, assitance and knowledge. In a metaphorical sense, these cards urge the Querent to look away from their problems and adopt a more optimistic attitude.

Heaven and Earth

The same concept can be expressed without referring to angels. The cards making up the cross encourage the Querent to identify and put a name to an obstacle that is difficult to overcome. The cards making up the wings, meanwhile, suggest tools to deal with that obstacle. By examining the four cards in the cross, you can see how some positions are related. For example, the Symptom (position 1) and the Problem (position 3) both describe the issue, the first card standing for the problem as it appears and the second as it really is. Similarly, the Veil (position 2) and the Sacrifice (position 4) both describe the obstacles that the Querent is facing, in perceiving and in overcoming the situation respectively.

In the same way, you can create links between the cards that make up the wings. The Benefit indicates the goal, while the Vision represents how to look at things and the Action suggests what to do. The Affirmation specifies a tool and a point on which to focus your energies.

Suffering is, after all, something that everyone will experience on their lives. The role of the Reader is not to fix the issue, but to shed light on the matter and turn a passive attitude, in which the Querent puts up with a situation, into a constructive attitude that allows the Querent to take control of what is happening to them That is why this SPread uses the metaphor of angelic wisdom. There are many people who belive in angels or beneficient, spiritual forces that protect, guide and inspire us humans, Some believe that these spiritual beings can also speak to us through the Tarot cards.


After the Reader and Querent have shuffled th Major Arcana cards in turn, the querent cuts the deck with their left hand. The Reader forms a cross in the middle, arranging the cards clockwise in the following positions - north (top), east (right), south (bottom) and west (left). The Reader then adds the angel wings, in positions that correspond to north-west (top left), north-east (top right), south-east (bottom right) and south-west (bottom left), as shown in the diagram. For the sake of simplicity, the card positions are indicated by the points of the compass. Tarot convention dictates that the Reader sits at the south and the Queent at the north.

Reading and Interpretation

The Reader turns over one card at a time and then interprets each, taking into account the position that they are in. First of all, the Reader interprets the cross in the middle which represents the heart of the problem. They will then consider the angel wings, which branch off fromt the cross. Once the Reader has finished interpreting the meanings of all the cards, they summarise the entire reading in a spoken report, known as the Synthesis.

The Symptom

The card in this position represents the nature of the Querent's problem, considered from their point of view. As the Reader turns over the card to interpret it, they should think "This is what the Querent believes to be the problem."

The Veil

The card found in this position represents the Veil - a belief that prevents the querent from moving on. As the Reader turns over the card to interpret it, they should think, "This is a belief that is obstructing the Querent's view."

The Problem

The third card in this Spread represents the Querent's real problem and the actual cause of the situation (in contrast to the first card, the Symptom, which referes to the aspect of the problem that is taking up all the QUerent's attention). As the Reader turns over the card to interpret it, they should think to themselves, "This is the real problem the Querent is facing."

The Sacrifice

The card found in this position represents something that the Querent has to give up in order to solve the problem, to grow or to move on - an attitude, a belief or an action to be left behind. As the Reader turns over the card to interpret it, they think, "This is something that the Querent has to give up."

The Benefit

The card found in this postion relates to both the SYmptom and the Sacrifice cards, as it indeicates a benefit that the Querent will achieve if they make the sacrifice identified earlier. As the Reader turns over the card to interpret it, they think, "This is what the Querent will gain once the sacrifice has been made."

The Vision

The card found in this position refers to both the Symptom and the Veil, as it suggests a new, positive interpretation of the problem. As the Reader turns over the card to interpret it, they should think, "This is a new way of looking at the problem."

The Action

This card relates to both the Veil and the Problem, indicating an action the Querent can carry out to free themselves from the Veil and deal with the cause of their unhappiness. As the Reader turns over the card, they think, "This is what the Querent can do to imprive the situation now."

The Affirmation

This card links to the Problem and the Sacrifice, creating a positive statement intended to change the Querent's awareness and attitude. As the Reader turns over the card, they think, "This affirmation can help the Querent to increase their faith in their own abilities and refocus their energies."

The Synthesis

Before moving on to the Synthesis, the Reader should reflect on their role in undertaking this Spread. They have probably chosen the Angelic Wisdom Spread because they have sensed that the Querent is in a difficult and complicated place that is causing them a lot of distress. Faced with these feelings, a Reader has to be realistic and bear in mind that it will be almost impossible to come up with a solution that solves all the Querent's problems.

Selfless Soul

Even though it's exahusting, this continuous dedication to others makes the Querent feel needed and useful. However, the real problem lies in the fact that the Querent seems to have lost the ability to clearly separate themselves from others and distinguish their own needs from those of the people close to them. The Tarot cards suggest adopting more of a self-centred attitude, which will lead the Querent to pay attention to their own wishes and aspirations without projecting these onto others.

Positive Choices

The card suggests that other people will get on well, even if the Querent isn't always there to sort out every problem for them. The Querent's natural spirit of generosity will have to evolve in a more mature and conscious way. They need to develop their awareness so they can make a conscious choice to help only when it is really needed and without sacrificing themselves or their needs. At the end of the reading, the Reader and Querent should spend more time together coming up with a phrase that can be used as an affirmation, taking inspiration from The Lovers card.

Key Information

  • Number of Cards:


  • Cards Used:

    Major Arcana - Minor Arcana are used in the Equilibrium Spread

  • Objective:

    To calm troubled minds and help take control of a difficult situation.

  • Layout:

    Four cards in the middle forming a cross, from which four "angel wings" extend.

Example Reading
The Cross

The Symptom

II The High Priestess

Essential Meanings: Knowledge, Wisdom

Keywords: Secrecy, The Unknown, Intuition, Subconscious, Serenity, Introspection, Mystical Vision, Silence, Gestation, Faith

The Querent believes their problem has something to do with a lack of information, that there is something important of which they are unaware. They are probably trying to work out how to discover the necessary information.

The Veil

III The Empress

Essential Meanings: Nurturing, Fertility

Keywords: Productivity, Creativity, Nature, Abundance, Material Prosperity, Joy, Comfort, Sexuality, Beauty, Mother Figure

The Querent is convinced that they are responsible for another person, thinking that if they fail in their protective role, this person will feel lost and may even be in danger.

The Problem

XI Justice

Essential Meanings: Justice, Law

Keywords: Decision-Making, Adjustment, Impartiality, Logic, Fairness, Equality, Insensitivity, Severity, Intellect, Balance, Legalism

The Querent's real problem has something to do with balance. It is unclear where the dividing line is between their own responsibilty and that of others. They tend to take on problems that aren't their own, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being.

The Sacrifice

XIV Temperance

Essential Meanings: Mediation, Compromise

Keywords: Tempering, Rejuvenation, Blending, Harmony, Healing, Benevolence, Recovery, Synthesis, Symmetry, Moderation

In order to make progress, the Querent should resist helping the other person unconditionally, even if they sense that this person needs assistance. The Querent must learn to put themselves first.

The Wings

The Benefit

XVII The Star

Essential Meanings: Hope, Infinity

Keywords: Optimism, Openness, Calmness, Trust, Joy, Serenity, Beauty, Inspiration, Insight, Purity, Far-Sightedness, Dreams Come True

This card can be thought of as symbolising a reward following a difficulty, a convincing reason for making a Sacrifice. The Star indicates pursuing and reaching personal goals.

The Vision

XVIII The Moon

Essential Meanings: Mystery, Illusion

Keywords: Dreams, Cycles, Unconscious, Fantasy, Imagination, Romanticism, Deception, Instinct

A change of attitude also requires a change of perspective. The Moon suggests the Querent should pursue their dreams - rather than only looking at achievable and practial goals, they can aim for things that they think of as impossible.

The Action

XV The Devil

Essential Meanings: Passion, Excess

Keywords: Shadow, Falsehood, Forbidden, Materialism, Obsession, Anxiety, Hedonism, Anger, Temptation, Doubt, Vice, Sex, Fear, Addiction

To immediately improve the situation, the Querent should concentrate on their own needs and passions, even at the risk of being selfish. The could buy themselves a present or do something on the spur of the moment - anything that makes space for their own enjoyment.

The Affirmation

VI The Lovers

Essential Meanings: Choice, Love

Keywords: Passion, Sensuality, Union, Pleasure, Desire, Attraction, Affinity, Bonding, Romance, Alliance, Harmony, Creativity

As The Lovers indicate relationships with others, affirmations could be phrases such as, "I will be careful not to confuse my needs with those of others", "I will think about myself sometimes, rather than being concerned about others","I won't feel ashamed about making choices for my well-being".


The Querent's current attitude to dealing with the problem seems certain to end in unhappiness. They are undoubtedly a generous and open person, always ready to help others. However, over time, this admirable characteristic has ended up stifling their happiness and forcing them to sacrifice any goals for personal fulfilment. Now they find themselves anxiously looking for knowledge or skills in order to help someone else.

For Experts: The Equilibrium Spread

If you want to use a full pack of Tarot cards (not just the Major Arcana), you can try the Equilibrium Spread. It is laid out in exactly the same way as shown above with the four cards for the cross and the next four for the wings.

Example Reading

The Symptom - Five of Pentacles

The Veil - Five of Wands

The Problem - Knight of Wands

The Sacrifice - Knight of Swords

The Benefit - Nine of Cups

The Vision - The Hierophant

The Action - Page of Cups

The Affirmation - Six of Pentacles

With this variation, you're not looking so much at the individual cards one by one, but at the Spread as a whole. In this instance, it seems at first glance to be quite balanced, with just one Major Arcana card in position 6. However, if we consider the Spread in it's two sections, we can see that there is a predominance of Wands and an absence of Cups in the middle cross. On the other hand, the wings feature Cups but no Wands. This could be interpreted as a suggestion not to look at the problem according to desires (symbolised by Wands), which are perhaps unattainable and unnecessary. Instead, try to make decisions based on the real emotions (represented by Cups) that the Querent is experiencing at the time of the reading.

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