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Tarot Rituals

When diving into the Arcana, it's helpful to do some prep rituals to boost your readings. But how do you figure out which ones work best for you?

In contemporary Tarot practice, there's been a shift away from the mystical rituals once favoured by Tarot masters in past centuries. However, some rituals still persist today, though they tend to be more symbolic than esoteric. These practices vary among readers, reflecting their individual beliefs and preferences.

Age-Old Practice

Rituals are symbolic actions performed before, during, or after an event. Throughout history, they've been integral to daily life, from preparing for a sports match or business meeting to celebrating birthdays. Rituals empower individuals, fostering a sense of community and readiness for what lies ahead.

In Tarot, rituals are particularly significant for many readers. Performing rituals with their decks helps them establish a deeper connection with the cards, honouring their importance. Before using a new deck, many practitioners carry out rituals to purify and prepare it. This process is believed to imbue deliberate intent into the cards, enhancing accuracy and intuitive insight during readings.

Similarly, how Tarot cards are stored reflects reverence in practice. Storing cards in a beautiful, carved wooden box lined with velvet, for example, shows respect and sets a tone of solemnity for the reading. Conversely, haphazardly rummaging for cards in a bag may not convey the same sense of reverence or preparation.

Types of Rituals

Rituals offer the freedom to use them as they are, modify them, or create entirely new ones based on intuition. They're a personal practice that can greatly enhance our connection to Tarot cards. Here are some popular rituals used by Tarot Readers:

  • New Deck Consecration: This simple ritual helps bond with new cards, making them ready for divination. Lay out all the cards, express gratitude while passing your hand over each one.

  • Basic Clearing Ritual: Arrange the cards in order (Major Arcana first, then Minor Arcana) while contemplating each card's meaning. This ritual is valued for its effectiveness in clearing energies.

  • Full Moon or Sunlight Cleanse: During a Full Moon, leave the cards exposed to moonlight overnight to deepen their energy connection. Alternatively, expose them to sunlight for clarity and vitality, especially at the summer solstice.

  • White Cloth Cleanse: Wrap the deck in a clean, white cloth for 12 to 24 hours to purify its energies whenever needed.

  • Crystal Cleanse: Place clear quartz or amethyst on top of your Tarot deck to energize or neutralize its energies. Alternatively, keep the crystal inside the bag or box with the cards.

  • Sleeping with the Tarot: Enhance your emotional and spiritual bond with the deck by sleeping with the entire deck under your pillow. You can also choose a specific card relevant to your current concerns.

  • Cleaning Your Cards: Use talcum powder to absorb dirt and prevent sticking from grease and fingerprints. Lightly rub each card with powder as needed.

These rituals can be performed whenever you feel the need—after challenging readings, if someone else has handled the cards, or when clarity feels lacking. They're a proactive way to strengthen your connection and maintain the sacredness of your Tarot practice.

There's an abundance of Tarot rituals that help put a Reader in the right mindset to work with the cards and offer numerous other benefits.

Rituals have always been closely linked with Tarot reading, much like they are in other spiritual and esoteric practices. As we discussed earlier, these rituals empower individuals, foster a sense of community, and strengthen the bond between Readers and their decks.

Setting the Scene

In addition to rituals directly related to Tarot readings, there are many practices that can add depth and significance to your experience with the cards. These rituals encompass how you store, handle, and create spaces for your Tarot practice.

  • Handling the Deck: Readers have the discretion to decide who handles their Tarot cards. Some allow others to touch and shuffle the deck, while others prefer to maintain sole contact to preserve energetic integrity. Those inclined towards mystical beliefs often advocate for purification rituals to clear any imprints left by others. Conversely, some view Querents handling the deck as a way to establish trust and connection.

  • Storing New Decks: New decks typically come in protective cardboard packaging, which some Readers choose to retain for preservation, especially if the deck holds collector's value or is a limited edition. In such cases, they might acquire a separate deck for regular use.

  • Daily Use and Storage: For everyday use and storage, many opt for velvet or silk Tarot bags. These bags often feature drawstrings to secure the deck, addressing the common issue of spillage that can occur with deck boxes or other less secure containers. Alternatively, some prefer ornate wooden boxes made of natural materials. These not only enhance aesthetics but also provide protective properties, preserving the balance and shielding the cards from negative energies. Such storage practices also reflect the Reader's reverence for their Tarot deck.

Disposing of a Deck

When a Tarot deck becomes too worn or damaged for further use, it's important to dispose of it respectfully. There are various approaches Readers may consider for this process.

  • Spiritual Approach: Some prefer a spiritual method, choosing to burn the deck ceremonially. This act symbolically releases the accumulated energies of the deck. According to certain traditions, the ashes can then be respectfully disposed of in swift-running water, symbolizing a return to the natural elements.

  • Creative Repurposing: Disposing of a Tarot deck doesn't always need to be spiritually focused. Some Readers may decide to repurpose an old deck creatively. They might incorporate its cards into an art project, transforming it into a cherished keepsake that holds personal significance for years to come.

Ultimately, the method of disposal is a personal choice, reflecting the Reader's beliefs and the relationship they have formed with their Tarot deck over time.

Mixing Things Up

Tarot Readers often have their own unique ways of handling and shuffling cards, each method imbued with its own symbolism and practical considerations.

  • Shuffling Techniques: Some Readers shuffle and handle Tarot cards with a technique reminiscent of a poker dealer, while others prefer a lighter touch, using gentle, overhand shuffles. There are also those who enjoy a more artistic approach, spreading and rearranging the cards in a face-down pile, akin to finger painting.

  • Symbolic Meanings: A gentle touch suggests respect for the cards, preserving their appearance and ensuring longevity, which maximizes the Reader's investment in their deck. However, some Readers cherish well-worn cards as they symbolize the unique history and intimate connection they've formed with their deck.

  • Light Shuffling Method: If you prefer a lighter shuffle, start by spreading the cards across a tabletop and then gently gathering them back together. Once gathered into a pile, divide the deck into smaller stacks and rebuild them into one cohesive stack. This ritual not only facilitates mixing the cards but also symbolizes chaos and chance being harmonized with order and insight.

  • Setting the Mood: Regardless of your shuffling style, it can be beneficial to set a mood of reverence for yourself and your Querent. Many Readers do this by saying a sentence, prayer, intention, or incantation before beginning the reading. Examples include phrases like "This reading is for the Querent's highest good," "Guide me to help them build a strong future," or simply "Wisdom, guide me in this reading." Choose words that resonate with you and enhance the atmosphere of your Tarot practice.

Selecting Your Space

Creating an optimal environment for Tarot readings involves both your psychological state and the physical space around you. Here are some tips to enhance your reading experience:

  • Selecting Your Space: If possible, designate a sacred area in your home for your Tarot readings. Choose a clean, clutter-free table or surface that respects and honours the cards, your practice, and yourself.

  • Music and Ambiance: Music can greatly enhance your reading by setting the right mood. Choose music that resonates with you and helps you open up. With modern technology, you have access to any genre or type of meditation music instantly. Consider leaving the music on throughout the reading to maintain a conducive atmosphere. You can also use instruments like bells, chimes, drums, or singing bowls at the beginning of a reading to focus your energy.

  • Post-Reading Rituals: After completing a reading, consider performing a ritual to close the session. This can involve releasing the Querent's energy with a prayer or grounding yourself by connecting with the earth or channelling through each of your chakras. This ritual helps in transitioning out of the reading space and integrating the insights gained.

By attending to both the psychological and physical aspects of your reading environment, you can create a space that supports deep insight and connection with the Tarot cards.

Enhancing Your Tarot Practice with Candles

Candles are sacred objects that permeate the darkness in a way that electric light cannot, creating a space for possibility, spirituality, and magic. Throughout history, candles have played a key role in many rituals. Lighting a candle will help you to ready yourself for working with the Tarot cards. The moment that the flame lights, the way is prepared, and your intention is made clear.

Never leave candles unattended and make sure that they are out when you are finished. Always check with a venue to ensure that insurance covers the use of candles if you plan to use them at an event.

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Tarot Rituals
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