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Future Possibilities

The most common question Tarot Readers hear is about what’s coming next in a situation. It’s important to interpret the cards in a way that helps people take control of their future.

Some people think Tarot readings predict a fixed future and ask yes/no questions like "Will I find true love?" or "Will I win the lottery?" These questions come from the mistaken idea that fate is unchangeable, which isn't true.

A Flexible Future

If the cards suggest a financial gain or a new romance, should we just sit back and wait for it to happen? Taking a passive approach might seem easy, but it's not always the best idea. When thinking about the future, it's important to remember that we have the power to shape our own destinies.

Setting goals and actively working toward them gives us the power to influence what happens next. This proactive approach helps us guide our lives in the direction we want, rather than leaving everything to chance. Instead of asking yes/no questions, consider more insightful ones like: "Where will this path lead me?" and "How can I nurture its growth?"

Defining a Situation

In Tarot readings, the term 'situation' is often used to talk about a specific part of a Querent's life. When using Tarot spreads to look into a situation, one or more cards are usually drawn to define what's going on right now. This sets the main focus of the reading, which can be either specific or general:

  • Specific Situation: This means a particular event or condition in the Querent's life. For example, it could be about an argument with a partner from the night before, exploring its causes, consequences, and resolution.

  • General Situation: This is when the Querent wants insight into a broader aspect of life, like understanding what's going on at work overall. This includes things like salary, relationships with colleagues, and career prospects.

Origins of a Situation

To fully understand what's going on, the Reader looks at past events shown in the cards. This helps uncover the roots of the current situation and its underlying causes. By understanding these causes, you get clarity on the present and learn valuable lessons to avoid similar issues in the future.

Exploring the past also helps the Querent see how the present has evolved from earlier experiences. Just as today is shaped by yesterday, tomorrow will grow from today's actions.

The Future Evolves

As we put together the reading, we trace the path from the past (what led to this situation) to the present (where things stand now). From there, we project into potential futures (how the situation might develop).

Often, the Querent might have an idea of how they want to handle their situation, even if they’re unsure. In these cases, the reading can show two or more possible outcomes. One path reflects what might happen if they keep doing what they’ve been doing. The other suggests what could change if they take a different approach.

If the client is unsure about their next steps, the Reader can use the cards to offer guidance. This might involve suggesting different directions they can consider to move forward.

The Future in Stages

Just as situations take time to unfold, their future evolution isn't instant. Change often happens in stages, which can be broken down as follows:

  • The immediate future: This phase shows short-term consequences. Cards depicting the near future typically focus on practical outcomes.

  • The medium-term future: These are events likely to happen based on short-term developments.

  • The distant future: This phase looks further ahead, offering more abstract insights about long-term outcomes.

Throughout each stage, it's important to remember that the Querent has the power to influence the situation through their actions. This empowerment lets them shape the future according to their desires.

As the Reader, you provide valuable perspective and help the Querent clarify their goals. This clarity becomes a powerful foundation for them to move forward.

One Card Versus A Group Of Cards

In Tarot readings, instead of using just one card to represent a broad concept like past, present, or future, you can make your Spread more detailed by using a group of cards. This involves replacing that single card with multiple cards, each one representing a different aspect of the original concept. It's a more advanced technique that can greatly improve your skills with practice.

For instance, you might use four cards to represent the past:

  • The distant past

  • Influences of the distant past

  • The recent past

  • Influences of the recent past

Although this method may take longer, it enriches the reading by providing more detailed insights. Conversely, you can simplify a series of concepts into a single card, which reduces detail and the time spent on each aspect.

Experimenting with these techniques will help you find what works best for your readings, allowing you to tailor your approach depending on the depth of insight you seek or the time available.

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Future Possibilities
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