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Tarot Reading Techniques

Keeping a Tarot Diary

A Tarot journal is a must-have for anyone diving into the Arcana. It's a great way to keep track of your learning, jot down insights, record your discoveries, see your progress, and spot patterns that pop up over time.

Reading For Yourself

While conducting readings for yourself can be challenging due to potential biases or emotional involvement, the benefits far outweigh these challenges. It’s an essential and rewarding aspect of your Tarot journey.

Tarot Rituals

When diving into the Arcana, it's helpful to do some prep rituals to boost your readings. But how do you figure out which ones work best for you?

Reading for Friends and Family

Reading tarot for friends and family can be nerve-wracking, but sticking to a few simple tips can help ease your worries.


In modern Tarot, Intuitive Reading moves beyond traditional card meanings to offer a more personalized interpretation.

Future Possibilities

The most common question Tarot Readers hear is about what’s coming next in a situation. It’s important to interpret the cards in a way that helps people take control of their future.

Balancing The Spread

Not every reading needs a detailed interpretation for each card. By using the Balance of the Spread technique, a Reader can uncover meaning from how the cards relate to each other. This approach allows you to gain insights from the overall arrangement and interaction of the cards, rather than focusing on each card individually.

Clarification Cards

Using clarification cards is an important technique for gaining greater insight when the meanings of particular cards in a reading remain obscure or difficult to interpret.

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