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What Should I Do?

Discover how to assist a Querent in answering this question and choosing a path that empowers them.

Discover how to assist a Querent in answering their question and choosing a path that empowers them.

Listen actively

Pay close attention to what the Querent is asking and any underlying concerns they might have. Make sure you fully understand their question before moving forward.

Encourage clarity

Help the Querent refine their question if needed. A clear and focused question will lead to a more insightful reading.

Guide the process

Explain the steps of the reading to the Querent. This includes shuffling the cards, drawing them, and interpreting their meanings. Make sure they feel comfortable and involved in each step.

Interpret together

As you reveal the cards, discuss their meanings with the Querent. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings about the cards. This collaborative approach can lead to deeper insights.

Empower the Querent

Focus on providing guidance that helps the Querent feel empowered and in control of their situation. Suggest actionable steps they can take based on the reading, and remind them that they have the power to shape their future.

Emphasising Choice

Highlighting choice is essential in offering valuable advice during a reading. Focus on presenting the Querent with a range of options. Using Tarot cards, guide the Querent to explore different courses of action from various angles. The goal is for the Querent to feel confident, independent, and empowered by the end of the reading, ready to make their own decisions.

Practical Suggestions

Here are some practical tips for responding to 'What should I do?' type questions:

  • Explain your approach. Start by clarifying that you won't provide a definitive answer but will help the Querent find their own solution.

  • Avoid judgment. Instead of imposing personal values, encourage the Querent to consider consequences, perhaps through visualization or drawing another card.

  • Choose a Spread wisely. Depending on the situation, select an appropriate Spread like the Angelic Wisdom Spread for challenges or happier times.

  • Trust the cards. Resist giving advice based solely on personal experience; let the Tarot cards provide the answer while you interpret.

  • Remember your role. Maintain clarity on the roles: the Querent asks, listens, reflects, and decides; the Reader interprets, suggests, and facilitates understanding.

A Reader aiming to provide a definitive solution via Tarot risks disempowering the Querent from making their own choices. This approach can lead to dependency and anxiety about the future. Instead, guiding without controlling fosters personal growth and positive outcomes.

Ways of Asking the Question

Different ways of asking 'What should I do?' can vary widely:

  • 'How should I behave at work?'

  • 'How should I interact with my partner?'

  • 'What can I do to increase my income?'

These questions often show uncertainty in a specific area of life, whether it's about a decision, an upcoming event, or financial planning.

As a Reader, refrain from providing direct solutions to maintain emotional detachment and support the Querent in developing self-reliance. Avoiding common pitfalls ensures that the guidance given empowers those being read for.

Seeking Approval

Some Querents asking 'What should I do?' may already have a decision in mind and seek validation rather than exploring options. This can hinder progress if they're closed to new ideas, but an open Querent can benefit from expanded perspectives.

The Transference Trap

Confused Querents overwhelmed by decisions may look to others to make choices, avoiding responsibility. A responsible Reader guides with suggestions but never decides for them; gently resist if a Querent pushes for a definitive answer.

Dependency Issues

Some Querents rely heavily on Tarot readings for reassurance, repeatedly seeking answers to the same questions. A good Reader discourages dependency, encouraging Querents to allow time for their actions to take effect rather than relying solely on readings.

What Should I Do?
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