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Personality Readings

Using Tarot, readers can explore and gain deeper understanding of both their own personality and that of their Querents.

Personality readings are a fantastic way to gain deeper insights into the people you want to understand better, whether it's your partner, family, friends, or colleagues.

It's not very common for someone to ask for a personality reading. Most people usually turn to astrology or psychology for self-discovery, perhaps not realizing that Tarot can be just as revealing.

When a Querent does request a personality reading, they're often excited and curious. Using the cards to uncover aspects of their character can be really helpful in many situations. It helps the reader connect better with the person they're reading for, setting the stage for more detailed and insightful readings.

A personality reading for the Querent can be a deeply introspective journey, giving them a chance to reflect on their identity and self-awareness. Techniques and spreads that explore personality through Tarot are equally valuable for personal readings. When reading for yourself, these methods help you gain insights and explore your own life and character. Practicing personality readings on celebrities, politicians, or literary figures can also be a great way to sharpen your skills.

There are several spreads that help you paint a portrait of someone's personality.

One highly effective example is the Universal Vision Spread. Additionally, there are the Big Four Psychology Spread and the Big Five Psychology Spread, each revealing different facets of a person's essence. We'll explore these spreads further on this site.

A Character Study

An experienced reader can easily create their own spreads to map out personalities using traits they find most insightful. Once they've pinpointed four or five key traits that capture an individual's character, they can engage in a fun exercise to deepen their understanding of how the spread works and refine it as needed. Whether it's analyzing someone they know, a celebrity, or a fictional character, the reader actively selects cards from the deck that best represent that person's personality traits, rather than drawing randomly. This exercise not only enhances one's grasp of Tarot but also offers a playful and enlightening way to study personality traits and delve into the meanings of the Arcana.

Personality Map

Many spreads designed for personality readings share a common approach where each card position represents a different facet of the Querent's personality, collectively forming a map of their character. This method mirrors psychological models that define a person's true self-based on specific traits. The premise is that despite the complexity of personality, it can be understood through a limited number of independent aspects. One of the benefits of these spreads is their ability to provide clear and relatively straightforward insights. While exact definitions of personality aren't necessary, these readings offer individuals a chance to introspect deeply, potentially sparking decisions or new directions in life.

Unfamiliar Figure

Everyone has a mental picture of themselves, shaped by various factors, including an idealized version of who they aspire to be, which can sometimes skew our self-perception.

When using Tarot to explore someone's personality, the cards might reveal aspects that differ from the Querent's self-image. It's natural for the Querent to compare the card's profile with their own view of themselves. Sometimes, these profiles align, at least partially, while other times, they diverge. As a reader, it's important not to be discouraged if the cards don't immediately resonate with the Querent's self-concept.

Initially, they may reject the psychological insights offered. However, through reflection, they may come to see the value in the reading, even if it initially seems off-track. Over time, the Querent might find the profile they initially dismissed to be accurate and beneficial.

This process of reflection and consideration can lead to valuable personal insights and growth.

Essential Elements

To quickly explore someone's personality, try the Big Four Psychology Spread using just the Minor Arcana, focusing on four key elements: desires, emotions, beliefs, and needs. Draw one card for each trait:

  • Wands card for what the Querent wants.

  • Cups card for what the Querent desires.

  • Swords card for what the Querent believes in.

  • Pentacles card for what the Querent needs.

This straightforward spread only takes a few minutes and is perfect for starting a reading. It's both enjoyable and reassuring for the Querent to see their personality mirrored in the cards, creating a comfortable atmosphere. Simultaneously, the Reader begins to understand the Querent better and identifies potential insights that could be valuable in future readings.

Personality Readings
The Big Five

The Big Five Psychology Tarot Spread draws inspiration from a widely used psychological model, focusing on five key traits to describe a Querent's personality.

After shuffling the deck, five cards are drawn, each representing one of these traits:

  • Energy and Extroversion: Reflects a person's enthusiasm, sociability, and ability to experience positive emotions.

  • Agreeableness and Relations: Indicates how friendly, compassionate, and cooperative someone is versus being cold or reserved.

  • Conscientiousness and Organization: Shows the level of organization, efficiency, and attention to detail versus being easy-going or careless.

  • Stability and Neuroticism: Represents emotional stability, confidence, and how one handles negative emotions like anger or anxiety.

  • Openness to Experience: Highlights curiosity, creativity, and willingness to try new things versus being cautious or traditional.

Interpreting these five cards provides a detailed and precise portrait of the individual's personality, offering insights that go beyond the simpler Big Four Psychology Spread. This deeper exploration can provide valuable understanding for both the Querent and the Reader in subsequent readings.

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