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Questions About Money

To tackle financial issues through Tarot, readers can use specific methods to make sure their readings are helpful to the person asking.

After love and careers, finance is the topic most often brought up to a Tarot reader. Money is a big part of everyone's life, and the expectations and problems tied to it are often a major concern for those seeking guidance.

Financial Behaviour

There's nothing wrong with using Tarot cards to ask for advice about money matters. However, the same rules apply here as with any other question. The key is encouraging Querents to frame their questions carefully to get the most out of a reading and to take responsibility for their financial behaviour.

Tarot cards can help people find clarity and motivation, tapping into their inner resources to bring about positive change. The goal isn’t to predict future events with certainty but to guide the Querent toward taking personal responsibility for their future.

That said, the allure of easy money leads some people to ask Tarot readers about lottery numbers, unexpected inheritances, or other get-rich-quick schemes. A serious reader should gently refuse these questions and help the Querent come up with a more realistic and empowering question.

Money-related questions often indicate financial struggles. Readers must handle this topic delicately, considering the serious consequences of debt and financial insecurity on a person's life and mental health.

If a reader senses that a seemingly light-hearted question about money hides real problems and deep anxieties, they should try to understand what the Querent truly wants to know. If the need is practical—like earning money quickly—the reading should focus on that goal.

However, if the Querent needs support to overcome feelings of fear and demoralisation caused by financial troubles, then the reading might take a different direction, offering emotional support and guidance.

A Matter of Timing

The question "When will I receive money?" isn't usually very helpful. It assumes that money is definitely on the way, without considering what the Querent can do to earn it.

Sometimes, though, the Querent just wants to know the timing to better plan their present. In these cases, the reader can try to answer by looking at the timing suggested by the Tarot.

There are a few ways to identify timing with Tarot. The simplest method is to draw one card and give a rough time frame:

  • A Major Arcana card means "within a few days."

  • An Ace signifies "within a few weeks."

  • A Court card suggests "within a few months."

  • A number card means "within a year."

Another method uses the Minor Arcana suits to indicate seasons:

  • Wands = Spring

  • Cups = Summer

  • Swords = Autumn

  • Pentacles = Winter

Earning Potential

The question "How can I make more money?" focuses the Querent on what they can do to boost their earnings. This type of open question is perfect for exploring financial matters and often leads to interesting and useful readings.

Here, the Querent is looking for ways to improve their financial situation and understands that this depends on their own choices and actions. Tarot can help them plan a path to achieve their goal.

Good examples of goal-focused spreads for these questions are the Universal Actions spread and the Ladder Spread. The reader should choose a spread with a card position that clearly represents the Querent's goal. The other cards should show the steps the Querent must take to reach that goal.

A quick and simple reading for money matters involves picking one card to represent the goal, followed by three more at random. The first of these represents an action to take, the second stands for an attitude to adopt, and the third highlights a risk or hazard to watch out for.

Whatever spread the reader chooses for money questions, they should provide practical advice that translates into specific, well-defined actions.

Questions About Money
Seeing Money in the Cards

When lots of Pentacles show up in a reading, it might be a good idea for the reader to explore money matters with the Querent. The suit of Pentacles is closely tied to the material world and possessions.

Examples of positive Pentacles to look out for include:

  • The King of Pentacles: The great provider with a sharp mind for business and investment.

  • The Ace of Pentacles: Can indicate the beginning of wealth and material gain.

Examples of negative Pentacles related to financial issues include:

  • The Five of Pentacles: Represents need, poverty, and money worries.

  • The Seven of Pentacles: Reminds us that money cannot buy happiness.

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