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The Major Tarot Will Teach Me...

Each of the Major Arcana cards will teach you the following things when the card is drawn in a reading

0 The Fool

to see the world through the innocent eyes of a child and with an open heart.

I The Magician

to discover new talents and skills that I didn't know I had.

II The High Priestess

to recognise the signs and meanings hidden in life events.

III The Empress

to use my intuition as a way of increasing my creativity

IV The Emperor

to rein in my emotions to become more stable and a role model for others.

V The Hierophant

to find my path in life and, in doing so, become a guide for those around me.

VI The Lovers

to meet other people with whom I can share joy and happiness.

VII The Chariot

to reach my objectives by developing new and original ideas.

VIII Strength

to improve my self-control and understand what really motivates me.

IX The Hermit

to rediscover the joy of tranquillity, meditation and prayer.

X The Wheel

to adapt to the role that fate has provided me with.

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