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The Suit of Swords

Multiple tarot cards
The Suit of Swords

Symbolic of the element Air, representing thought and intellect

Multiple tarot cards
Ace of Swords

Power, Discipline

Responsibility, Achievement, Conviction, Idea, Accountability, Clarity, Truth

Multiple tarot cards
Two of Swords

Discussion, Arbitration

Balance, Adaptation, Dual, Mediation, Interposition, Duality, Stalemate

Multiple tarot cards
Three of Swords

Sorrow, Despair

Treason, Pain, Injury, Heartbreak, Difficulty, Suffering, Wounds

Multiple tarot cards
Four of Swords

Meditation, Closure

Reflection, Waiting, Stability, Withdrawal, Sleep, Solitude, Closing, Repose

Multiple tarot cards
Five of Swords

Selfishness, Complacency

Disgrace, Exile, Defeat, Revenge, Drama, Conflict, Failure, Unfairness, Slander

Multiple tarot cards
Six of Swords

Journey, Escape

Transition, Exile, Exploration, Obstacles, Recovery, Travel, Flux, Evolution

Multiple tarot cards
Seven of Swords

Subterfuge, Indiscretion

Gossip, Confidentiality, Subtlety, Intrigue, Deception, Stealth

Multiple tarot cards
Eight of Swords

Limits, Paralysis

Drowsiness, Lethargy, Stun, Trap, Fear, Difficulty, Impediment, Restriction

Multiple tarot cards
Nine of Swords

Anguish, Crisis

Despair, Nightmares, Sleepless Guilt, Concern, Bewilderment, Regret, Worry

Multiple tarot cards
Ten of Swords

Transcendence, Ruin

Obsession, Block, Sorrow, Tears, Desolation, Emptiness, Fear, Sadness, Ending

Multiple tarot cards
Page of Swords

Apprenticeship, Eagerness

Attention, Circumspection, Genius, Helper, Scholar, Calculation, Vigilance

Multiple tarot cards
Knight of Swords

Bravery, Aggression

Warrior, Momentum, Courage, Anger, Hostility, Rage, Temper, Hastiness

Multiple tarot cards
Queen of Swords

Honesty, Abruptness

Ruthlessness, Direct, Concise, Precise, Decision, Astute, Realistic, Straightforwardness

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King of Swords

Analysis, Judgement

Power, Authority, Charisma, Order, Decisive, Clear, Analytical, Impartiality, Rationality

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