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Six of Pentacles

Favour, Charity

Generosity, Gift, Altruism, Distribution, Fairness, Mercy, Justice, Aid, Alms



Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Six of Pentacles signifies a period of abundance and reward for your hard work. Material success is within reach, and you may receive a financial gift, loan, or opportunity for a profitable venture. A job promotion is also possible. This is an ideal time to share your wealth, perhaps by supporting a meaningful charity. In love, this card indicates a time of growth and generosity, with new romances founded on shared values and mutual respect.

Reversed Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

When reversed, the Six of Pentacles advises caution in financial matters. Careless spending and irresponsibility could lead to instability. Be wary of misrepresentations if you are involved in business partnerships or investments. A focus on material satisfaction may be problematic. In love, the reversed Six of Pentacles suggests that one partner may be prioritizing their own needs over the other's, leading to imbalance and potential conflict.

We work hard to balance the scales to bring everything into harmony.

Gifts, awards, inheritance, gratification, generosity

Generosity, favours

Everything returns, those who have given will be rewarded.

Generosity, tolerance, investments, business skills.

If you can give, do so generously and respectfully.

Work to find the best way to use your resources for the greatest good.

Balance restored, lending a helping hand to others in need, giving to charity.

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A righteous man knows the value of hard-earned money and bestows it on the poor.

Thematic Meanings

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