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Nine of Pentacles

Richness, Education

Discernment, Prudence, Safety, Elegance, Fabulousness, Self-Assurance, Security



Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Nine of Pentacles signifies a time to enjoy your achievements. You are self-sufficient and independent, with your talents finally paying off. This period is marked by material abundance. You may seek a career that offers greater autonomy. Spiritually, the Nine of Pentacles encourages connecting with nature for peace and harmony. In love, it suggests taking time for yourself, emphasizing the importance of personal growth within a partnership.

Reversed Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

When reversed, the Nine of Pentacles warns that excessive self-reliance may hinder closeness with others, leading to feelings of isolation or loneliness. It’s crucial to share yourself and find balance in your relationships. Financially, be cautious in business affairs as you might face setbacks.

I enjoy this garden. It shows off what all my hard work has given me.

Gain, success, realisation, wealth

Discernment, prudence

If chance treats you well, humour it.

Winning, luck, favourable moment.

Your home is your sanctuary, enjoy the benefits of renewal and wholeness it brings.

Choose to say yes or no to company by trusting your intuition.

Cultivate success, enjoy the benefits of luxury, have confidence, you are capable.

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Brigid is nature, the earth and life. We achieve harmony by losing ourselves in her.

Thematic Meanings

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