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Knight of Pentacles

Realism, Pragmatism

Professionalism, Honesty, Traditionalist, Determined, Dogmatic, Faithful, Hard-Working



**Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning**

The Knight of Pentacles embodies diligence and practicality, with a strong attention to detail. Once he sets a goal, he is relentless in achieving it. This period calls for patience and perseverance, with slow but steady progress. The Knight of Pentacles advises you to stay committed to your goals, as they will eventually come to fruition. Unexpected financial gains may arise, and job-related travel is possible. In love, this card signifies a committed and long-term relationship.

**Reversed Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning**

Reversed, the Knight of Pentacles suggests delays and new obstacles in your projects. Financial issues may affect your security, and an overemphasis on practicality might stifle your creativity. Proper planning and careful execution are crucial to achieving your goals. This is not the time for carelessness or irresponsibility. In love, a reversed Knight of Pentacles may indicate a partner who is reckless or inconsiderate.

I bear the pentacle so that all who cross my path know that I seek harmony.

Stability, perseverance in choices, lucky encounters

Realism, commercial ability

Travel along beaten tracks.

Resistance, stubbornness.

The Knight is not a dynamic person - he is a reliable worker, unlikely to do anything unexpected.

What the Knigt hides from the world is a sense of failure, of having somehow missed his chance for greatness.

Take your time, pay close attention to your work, remain focused.

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An elf rides a dragon in the sky, spreading rose buds. Harmony of elements.

Thematic Meanings

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