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Four of Pentacles

Possessions, Greed

Control, Gain, Thrift, Savings, Concentration, Stagnancy, Stability, Solidity



Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Four of Pentacles signifies a period of financial and emotional stability. Your hard work has laid solid foundations, leading to increased security and potentially elevating your status. A new opportunity may enhance your financial well-being. If you are considering buying a new home, now is an opportune time, as this card is strongly associated with material possessions and financial growth. However, it is crucial to avoid becoming overly attached to your assets. In love, reflect on the motivations behind your relationships. Are they driven by genuine connection, or are they a means to attain security?

Reversed Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

When reversed, the Four of Pentacles often highlights unfounded fears about financial stability. You might be so focused on the future that you neglect the present. This card can also warn of reckless spending and the need to manage a limited budget carefully. In the context of love, it suggests letting go of rigid expectations. Issues of control or fears of abandonment may be affecting your relationship, and it’s important to address these underlying concerns.

I found a key and it opened up this box. What a wonderful surprise. What should I do with what is inside?

Possession, power, materiality, meanness

Material stability, concreteness

Too much stability can lead to stagnation.

Economic security, health, strength and immobility.

The journey is important than the destination. If you have dropped the torch of inner guidance go back and pick it up.

Practicality must be blended with dreams, passion and inspiration. That is how wizards make magic.

Take a good look at what you have, let go of your burdens, be proud of your accomplishments.

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Our heart can be so parched that we are blind to beauty. Miserliness.

Thematic Meanings

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