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The Suit of Cups: Exploring the Soul's Journey

The Suit of Cups: Exploring the Soul's Journey

Symbolise the element of Water and are linked with empathy and emotions

The Suit of Cups is deeply connected to the soul, representing our emotional journeys and the intricate dynamics of our relationships. These cards reveal not only our own emotions but also those of the people close to us, often uncovering past traumas that shape our current perspectives and interactions.

Focusing on emotions, relationships, and intuition, the Suit of Cups frequently pertains to love, friendship, healing, and spiritual growth. The new beginnings and endings depicted by these cards are always emotional, typically involving relationships.

Element: Water

Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio

Symbolism of Water in the Suit of Cups

Associated with the element of water, the Suit of Cups delves into the unconscious, the dream world, and the intuitive facets of our psyche. Water acts as a mirror, reflecting our self-perceptions, emotional wounds, and the gifts we can offer to others. This connection underscores the depth and fluidity of our emotional lives.

This suit relates to emotions and feelings.

Also known as "Chalices", these represent the element of Water and the emotional state of the Querent. The chalice refers to the maternal womb, source of life, fertility, dreams, recollections and memory.

The source of life, representing the flow of existence and emotion.

This suit relates to emotions and feelings.

Thematic Meanings

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