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Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Feeling, Intuition

Romance, Emotion, Love, Opportunity, Deluge, Mental Activity, Emotional Care



Upright: A Time for New Beginnings

This period marks a time of new beginnings, especially in your relationships. The Ace of Cups may signify engagements, marriages, or pregnancies. You may also find yourself brimming with creative energy and ideas. Expect prosperity in all areas of your life. Investments and projects are likely to thrive, and no matter which career path you choose, success is assured.

Reversed: Navigating Emotional Turbulence

In a reversed position, the Ace of Cups can signal the loss or separation of a significant relationship, though this is not always the case. Emotionally, you may experience discord or disappointment in your partnerships or friendships. A relationship might lack the commitment you desire, leading to a period where you must confront and process your emotions. The Ace of Cups reversed can also highlight past trauma or grief that needs to be addressed for healing and growth.

Drink with joy from the fountain of life.

Holy Grail, divine gift, opportunity, love, fullness.

I hover over the chalice bearing witness to the flow of the waters of life.

Home, great love, birth, marriage.

Feelings, intuition

Drink with joy from the fountain of life.

Holy Grail, divine gift, opportunity, love, fullness.

The fountain and the goddess at its centre are a sign that the blessings of happiness are at hand. Be ready to receive them with thanks.

The presence of the prince here cautions against being beguiled by fairy-tale romance. What is seen by starlight may prove quite different in the light of day.

Feeling refreshed, overflowing emotions, let the world receive your gifts.

Dagda's cauldron, which regenerates and gives life.

Thematic Meanings

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