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Multiple tarot cards

Ashley Jones

Art Director

Art Director

Multiple tarot cards

Don Francis

Tech Lead

Art Director

Multiple tarot cards

Alexa Young

Product Manager

Art Director

Multiple tarot cards

Robert Rose

Product Designer

Art Director

The Suit of Cups

The Suit of Cups: Exploring the Soul's Journey
The Suit of Cups: Exploring the Soul's Journey

Symbolise the element of Water and are linked with empathy and emotions

Ace of Cups
Ace of Cups

Feeling, Intuition

Romance, Emotion, Love, Opportunity, Deluge, Mental Activity, Emotional Care

Two of Cups
Two of Cups

Union, Attraction

Agreement, Affinity, Understanding, Couple, Toast, Love, Friendship

Three of Cups
Three of Cups

Communion, Frivolity

Joy, Sharing, Excitement, Intoxication, Dance, Relief, Celebration, Feast

Four of Cups
Four of Cups

Omen, Disenchantment

Expectation, Disappointment, Boredom, Discouragement, Nausea, Saturation, Refusal

Five of Cups
Five of Cups

Repentance, Loss

Shortages, Difficulties, Regret, Guilt, Pessimism, Self-Sacrifice, Disappointment

Six of Cups
Six of Cups

Sharing, Nostalgia

Gift, Offer, Message, Peace, Remembrance, Past, Childhood Friends, Happy Memories

Seven of Cups
Seven of Cups

Fantasy, Temptation

Choices, Illusions, Desires, Visions, Envy, Deception, Dreams, Daydreams

Eight of Cups
Eight of Cups

Release, Waiver

Rejection, Journey, Restart, Freedom, Travel, Venturing, Changing Direction, Transition

Nine of Cups
Nine of Cups

Satisfaction, Contentment

Well-Being, Pleasure, Saturation, Fulfilment, Sensuality, Success, Good Life

Ten of Cups
Ten of Cups

Happiness, Harmony

Success, Family, Conclusion, Peacemaking, Joy, Cycles, Fulfilment, Serenity

Page of Cups
Page of Cups

Enthusiasm, Superficiality

Messenger, News, Intuition, Psychic, Purpose, Receptivity, Catalyst, Romantic Friend

Knight of Cups
Knight of Cups

Feeling, Attraction

Seduction, Flattery, Invitation, Encouragement, Praise, Pleasure-Loving, Imagination

Queen of Cups
Queen of Cups

Sensitivity, Emotionality

Wife, Lover, Friend, Empathy, Understanding, Listening, Affection, Falling in Love

King of Cups
King of Cups

Charisma, Composure

Patron, Protector, Visionary, Support, Charm, Sympathetic, Intuitive, Placid

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