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Walking Stick 

In Tarot, this is a symbol of prudence in moving, aid in walking or a defensive weapon.


A limit, a boundary between two dimensions and a protection. It also indicates the foundations from which one can build.


One of the four suits, associated with the element of Fire and relating to the quality of passion. A symbol of desire and an instrument of magic.


Fertility and anything that refreshes the body, mind and soul. Life and regeneration.

Western Mystery School/Order 

Organisation created to provide its members with an experience of self-transformation and union with the divine by providing structures initiation ceremonies, ritual, meditative and contemplative work.


Emblematic of the passage of time, the ups and downs of fortune.


A colour often used in Tarot decks to communicate themes of unity, light, purity, peace and lunar qualities.

White Cloth Cleanse 

A technique for cleaning a Tarot deck in which the cards are wrapped in a white cloth for 12 to 24 hours.

White Lily 

The primordial goddess, psychic integrity. The alchemical lily presents incorruptible and eternal nature, the noblest thing.

White Wings 

These symbolise the ability to rise above the material dimension in order to seek the heavenly realm.


Relief printing technique used for producing early Tarot cards. A design was created and carved into a block of wood. The wood was placed in ink and used to stamp sheets of paper, which were later coloured and cut. The process can also be used to apply different colours to a card.

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