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The original Italian name for Tarot cards and the game played with them.


An Austrian version or Tarocchi, which is usually played with a deck of fewer cards.

Taro River 

A river in northern Italy that may be have been the origin of the word " Tarot ".


Hebrew word meaning beauty and numbered six on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.


Symbolic of death and resurrection.


A sign of physical vitality and the fire of passion.


In Tarot, the tower is a phallic symbol, as well as a symbol of the family, home, human body and, in some cases, the church. It is a direct reference to the Tower of Babel and man's attempt to touch the divine.

Traditional Interpretation 

The meaning of each Tarot card as historically set down in Tarot books.


Life, knowledge, and communication between the earthly and celestrial worlds.

Tree of Life 

The central illustration of the Kabbalistic religion, usually expressed as ten conentric circles or as a matrix of ten circles connected by 22 paths, symbolic of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This mystical concept explains the universe as described by Jewish mysticism.

Triumphal Processions 

Popular European Renaissance parades in which costumed actors portrayed authorities (Emperors and Popes), Christian virtues (such as Strength and Justice), life events (like Death and Resurrection) and even heavenly bodies (including the Stars, the Sun and the Moon). They are thought to have been the influence for the cards of the Major Arcana.


As a verb, to "trump" is to outrank another card or to "triumph" over it. Trumps, also known as triumphs, is also another term for the Major Arcana cards numbering zero to 21. They are called trumps because each car is more powerful or "trumps" the previous one. Derives from the Italian word trionfi , meaning "triumphs".

Twenty-Two Paths 

A reference to the Tree of Life and the paths between the ten circles in Kabbalah, which are associated with the Major Arcana.

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