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Influencing the course of events using mysterious or supernatural forces. Magic is the purposeful manipulation of energy and intentions to bring about a desired result, using symbols, language, action and rituals. In general terms, it is any act that cannot be explained by something other than esoteric systems. Tarot can be a tool for magic, including use in spells, mandalas, pathworking or rituals.

Major Arcana 

The first 22 cards of the Tarot deck numbered zero to 21. Each depicts a scene, mostly featuring a person or several people, with many symbolic elements.

Majors Only Decks 

Tarot deck of only 22 cards, containing only the Major Arcana and no Minor Arcana cards. Used mainly as beginner or travelling decks.


Hebrew word meaning kingdom and numbered ten on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.


A style of Tarot originating in southern Furnace. It refers only to the type of imagery used, not the actual place the cards were printed. There are numerous varieties of Marseille decks, with small variations in design, symbolism and colours.


Method of stilling the mind and body to train attention and awareness to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Meditation is also used to seek a deeper connection with the universe/a higher power and achieve greater spiritual awareness.

Medium, Channeller 

An individual who communicates with spirits, those who are dead or who have 'passed over' and those of supernatural origin.

Mental Deck 

An individual's mental idea of and invisible connection with his/her deck. Carrying all the Reader's associations with the cards, it is a library of connections, expectations, insights and memories they hold in regard to the Tarot decks.

Metaphysical Decks 

Tarot decks that channel intuitive insights and enhance the exploration of personal, psychological, energetic and spiritual concepts.

Middle Ages 

A term used to describe the period of European history between the demise of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century and the beginning of the Renaissance in the 14th century. Also known as the medieval period.

Minor Arcana 

The 56 Tarot cards often referred to as pip cards or minors. Minors consist of the Aces to the Tens and the Court Cards. The Minor Arcana cards are associated with daily events.


A symbol of femininity, monthly cycles, ebb and flow, the renewal of nature, continuous transformation and feminine intuition.


Attainment, challenge, man's movement to higher realms. A symbol of ascension

Mystery School 

Mystery religions were established institutions in the ancient world. Suh schools provide knowledge of non-material realms to their members via initiation and rituals. They guide an individual through a series of rites that begin or 'initiate' a transformation of consciousness to awaken subtle energies within the body, activating out-of-the-ordinary abilities.


A person who practices mysticism or seeks to transcend ordinary human knowledge via communication with the divine, intuition, spiritual ecstasy or nature.


The practice of religious or spiritual connection with God or a higher power. The attainment of insight into hidden truths and human transformation, supported by various practices.

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