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The inner light that illuminates the road ahead and shows the way along the journey to come.

Law of Three 

This law states that whatever you release into the world will be returned to you three times over.

Lemniscate (Sideways Figure of Eight

The symbol of infinity. It represents a sense of simplicity, balance and endless possibilities. Yin and Yang.

Le Monde Primitive 

Important 18th-century publications by Antoine Court de Gebelin. They contain the first mention of Tarot as a secret doctrine from ancient Egypt.

Lenormand Cards 

A 36-card deck (not Tarot) used for divination. Shares the name but has no connection with 19th-century fortune-teller Marie Anne Lenormand.


Represents divine intervention and insight.


In Tarot, the lily signifies purity and innocence.


The lion is a symbol for brute force.

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