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Represents nature, fruitful and changeable. The leaves are symbols of rationality, while the flowers signify sentiment.


Hebrew word meaning strength and numbered five on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

Golden Age 

A mythical time in which the arts and sciences were handed to mankind by the gods or a time when peace reigns on earth. <br

Golden Dawn 

A hermetic (see Hermeticism , rite) order of students founded in 1888 who developed a path of spiritual development. The order taught Tarot in a synthesis with astrology, Kabbalah and alchemy.  

Full title: Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn


In regard to secret societies, grades are the ranks or degrees of accomplishment through which members of the society pass, similar to belts in Martial Arts.


Intoxication, pleasure, joy and abandon.


Lie reborn after winter, fuelled by spring rains.


Colour often used in Tarot to convey growth, attraction, envy, manifestation and the suit of Pentacles.


Colour often used in Tarot decks to communicate themes of wisdom, balance, neutrality and formality.


A grimoire is a handwritten book of personally recorded spells and/or magic. It includes the use or creation of spells, talisman, charms, divinations and magical tools. A Tarot grimoire can be fashioned as a personal divinatory textbook.

Gutenberg Printing Press 

The printing press created by Johannes Gutenberg circa 1440, leading to the mass production of books. It is regarded as one of the most important events in history, giving rise to mass literacy, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and scientific revolution.

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