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Face Cards 

Another name for the Court cards in a Tarot deck.


The dominant social system in medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries whereby land was held by the nobility and worked by peasants, who gave produce in exchange for military protection.


In Tarot, the element of Fire is associated with the suit of Wands. Symbolic of passion, energy and enthusiasm, Fire reflects drive willpower and masculine energy.


Visions, symbol of Water and the suit of Cups.


An announcement of transformation.


The practice or act of foretelling future events.

Four Cardinal Virtues 

The four virtues recognised in classical antiquity as Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude and Justice.

Free Association 

A free-form word/mage technique created by Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud. The technique is designed to uncover authentic truth and true feelings. As a way of interpreting the Tarot, it involves allowing the free association of new ideas and fresh meanings derived in response to the images on the cards.


A member of the fraternal order of freemasonry.


An esoteric system involving complex rituals. The Rider-Waite deck uses a great deal of masonic imagery.

French Revolution 

The French uprising lasting from 1789 to 1799. It ended the thousand year rule of the monarchy and resulted in France becoming a republic.

French School 

Tarot scholarship taking place in France at the turn of the 20th century. The French school influenced the Major Arcana's meanings.  Key players: Eliphas Levi, Gerard 'Papus' Encasses and Oswald Wirth.

Full Moon Cleanse 

The Energetic powering of a Tarot deck can be achieved by placing the cards in a pool of moonlight during a full moon. They are then left to absorb the lunar rays all night.

Fully Illustrated Deck 

A Tarot deck within which both Major and Minor Arcana are illustrated, as oppose to 'Majors Only Decks' in which only the cards of the Major Arcana feature symbolic illustrations.

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