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Ein Sof (or Ain Soph or Ayn Sof) 

A Kabbalistic term which means the space in the universe that contains the nature of God. It can also be translated as 'unending' or 'infinity'.

Elemental Dignities 

A method of interpreting the cards in a Spread using correspondences among the elements (suits) to identify cards that either strengthen or weaken each other.


The four classic elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. These correspond to the Tarot suits of Pentacles, Swords, Cups and Wands.

Eleusinian Mysteries 

Annual ancient Greek initiation ceremonies honouring the cult of Demeter and Persephone based at Eleusis.


Expresses friendship, harmony and bonds of brotherly love.

Emerald Tablet 

A foundation text of hermetic thought (an ancient occult tradition encompassing alchemy, astrology and theosophy). It is said to be a tablet of emerald or green stone inscribed with the secrets of the universe.


To convert into a code or represent complicated information in a simple or short way.

English School 

Tarot scholarship taking place in England at the turn of the 20th century. The English school influenced the Minor Arcana's meanings. 

Key players: Samuel Mathers, AE Waite and Aleister Crowley.


An intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe emphasising reason and individualism over tradition and superstition.


Lasting for a brief period of time.

Esoteric, Esotericism 

Hidden or secret teachings, intended for or understood by a select, small group of people - and usually relating to the relationship between human beings and the universe.

Esoteric Arts 

Tarot, astrology, numerology, magic, Kabbalah, path working, shamanic journeying, etc.

Esoteric Decks 

Tarot decks created by history's most influential occultists, as well as metaphysical decks developed by modern mystery schools.


An individual who works specifically with hidden knowledge, secret teachings or mystical philosophies.

Essential Meanings 

The two words associated with each Tarot card that express it's core truth, used to unlock the meaning of a card and open the door to understanding.

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