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A staff featuring two entwined serpents carried by the messenger god Hermes (in ancient Greece) or Mercury (in ancient Rome). Regarded as a symbol of health, prosperity and peace, it appears in several Tarot decks.

Card of the Day 

A daily practice in which a Reader selects and interprets a card picked at random from a Tarot deck in the morning. The card is often revisited in the evening to see how it influenced or predicted the events of the day.


The practice of fortune-telling or divination using cards, including standard playing cards and Tarot cards. A cartomancer is a person who practises this art.

Castle In Tarot 

This is a symbol of stability and success.


Where it appears in the Tarot, the cat is an indicator of mystery, aloofness and independence.

Celtic Cross (Spread) 

A ten-card Spread first published by AE Waite in 1909; it remains one of the most popular around the world.

Ceremonial Magic 

Also referred to as high magic or learned magic, this term refers to a broad range of long, elaborate and complex rituals of magic found in Hermetic and Western esoteric schools of thought.


Hebrew word meaning mercy, love and kindness, numbered four on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, a diagram used in the mystical Jewish tradition of Kabbalah to show archetypes, values and aspects of existence and how they connect with each other.


Symbolic of simplicity, naivety and carefreeness, but also the dualism inherent in every individual.


Meaning wisdom in Hebrew, Chokhmah is numbered to on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.


A code, secret or covert way of writing.


These represent animal nature in the Tarot.

Cleansing Ritual 

A process by which the energy of a Tarot deck or a space (or both) is cleansed.


The term used to describe a paying Querent or sitter who is having a professional reading.


These are symbols of mystical visions, manifestations and transformation.


Arranged in a systemic code, plan or formula.


The appearance of columns in Tarot recalls Solomon's Temple, built by the Jewish king famed for his fairness. It's pillars were named Boaz ('in him is strength') and Jachin ('it will establish' or 'in him it is established').


In relation it Tarot, a commission is a request or order to create a new Tarot deck.


An action carried out to establish a relationship and bond with a new deck of Tarot cards, by opening the deck and blessing the cards.


In Tarot, consistency means sticking to a pre-established technique when looking at the cards for the duration of the reading. This includes the Spread, use of reversals and adhering to a particular ritual (if chosen).


The concept of drawing similarities between objects or concepts based on their attributes or qualities. In Tarot this is often done between systems, such as astrology or Kabbalah.

Court Card Ranking 

A way of looking at the Court cards in a reading according to rank (King, Queen, Knight, Page) in order to draw meanings. For example, multiple Kings in a Spread suggest imposing limits, while a number of Pages might indicate that the Querent needs to have more fun.

Court Cards 

The 16 Minor Arcana cards without numerical attribution, typically depicted as royal figures (King, Queen, Knight and Page in each suit).


Also known as lobster or crayfish, this indicates the dark and unreal thoughts that take form in the depths of the mind, the primal instinct that came with us out of the swamp. It appears in most Moon cards.

Crystal Cleanse 

The act of cleansing a Tarot deck using crystals and gemstones.

Cultural Decks 

Tarot decks featuring symbolism and themes from cultures around the world. Examples include Mayan Tarot, Gothic Tarot and the Tarot of the Celtic Fairies.


One of the four suits in a Tarot deck, associated with the element of Water and the quality of emotion. Also called Chalices.

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