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The Ace is the very first card in the sequence from one to ten. In the Tarot deck, it can be considered the highest or lowest card, depending on how you read it.


An adept is someone who has achieved a high level of skill or knowledge. In Tarot, this means they’ve really mastered the art and understand it deeply.


An affirmation is a brief, impactful statement designed to boost a positive mindset and reinforce encouraging beliefs.

Age of Aquarius  

This term refers to the New Age movement that gained popularity in the 1960s and 1970s.


Alchemy was a medieval science focused on turning base metals into gold, but it also symbolises a personal journey of self-transformation. Many Tarot decks include alchemical symbols and images, and some believe that alchemy played a role in shaping Tarot’s development.


In Tarot, an angel represents a higher order or undeniable truth, drawing from its role as a supernatural being in various religions and philosophies.


Antiquity refers to the ancient past, particularly the period before the Middle Ages.


Coming from the Latin word for 'Secret' (singular: Arcanum), Arcana refers to the cards in a Tarot deck, including both the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards).


An arch symbolizes a passage, movement, or threshold, marking a transition from one state or phase to another.


An archetype is a universal symbol or ideal example that embodies a set of personality traits. Carl Jung, the psychoanalyst, talked about archetypes like the Mother, Father, Hero, and Wise Old Man as elements inherited from our ancestors and present in our collective unconscious. You’ll find many of these archetypes in the Tarot, especially in the Major Arcana.


In Tarot, armour represents defense and suggests experience in overcoming challenges. It signifies resilience and the ability to endure tough situations.

Art Decks  

Art decks are Tarot decks designed with a specific artistic style. Their unique and eye-catching images can help a reader gain deep emotional and intuitive insights through the connection with the vivid artwork.


Astrology involves predicting the future by observing astronomical events, mainly the position of the Sun in the 12 zodiac signs. Each Tarot card is linked to a star sign and an astrological element.


Augury is a sign or omen of the future. Originally, it was the ancient Roman practice of predicting events by observing the flight patterns of birds.

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