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  • Can Tarot readings predict the future?
    Tarot readings provide guidance and insights based on current energies and circumstances. They can help you make informed decisions but are not definitive predictions.
  • Are Tarot readings confidential?
    Yes, all readings are confidential. Your privacy is important to us.
  • What payment methods do you accept?
    We accept major credit cards. Other payments methods can be made by special request.
  • Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied with my reading?
    Check our refund policy for details. Generally, we strive to ensure satisfaction, but specific terms apply.
  • Do I need any prior experience with Tarot to get a reading?
    No prior experience is needed. Just come with an open mind and be ready to receive insights.
  • How often should I get a Tarot reading?
    It depends on your personal preference and needs. Some people get readings regularly, while others do so for specific situations or questions.
  • Can I get a Tarot reading for someone else?
    Yes, but it’s best if the person receiving the reading is aware and consents to it. We also offer gift cards, which allow them to choose their own reading.
  • Is there a way to get a sample reading before committing to a full session?
    Want to dip your toes in before diving into a full session? No problem! We've got a basic reading for just £5. Check out our shop for more details.
  • Do I need to be in a certain mindset before getting a reading?
    Being calm and focused can help you get the most out of your reading. It’s helpful to have a clear question or intention in mind.
  • What if I have an urgent question or need a reading immediately?
    Got a burning question that just can't wait? No worries! Just reach out to us, and we'll do our best to help you out pronto.
  • How are the Tarot cards interpreted?
    Each reader has their own unique style and method of interpreting the cards based on their intuition, experience, and knowledge of Tarot symbolism.
  • Do I need to believe in Tarot for it to work?
    An open mind is more important than belief. Skeptics can still benefit from the reflective and insightful nature of a Tarot reading.
  • How often can I get a Tarot reading?
    There’s no set rule, but many people find it helpful to get readings periodically, such as monthly or quarterly, or whenever they face significant decisions or changes in life.
  • Can Tarot readings predict the outcome of future events?
    Tarot provides insights and guidance based on current energies and patterns. It’s not a tool for predicting exact outcomes but rather for exploring possibilities and gaining perspective.
  • Are There "Good" and "Bad" Cards?
    The idea of "good" and "bad" tarot cards varies depending on who you ask. Each card carries its own mix of energies and symbols, which can be interpreted differently based on the context of the reading and the reader's personal beliefs and experiences. Take, for instance, the "Death" card. It's often perceived as a "bad" card due to its name and its association with endings. However, it actually symbolizes transformation and new beginnings, rather than physical death. Often, significant positive changes can follow major upheavals.
  • How can I update my payment method?
    You can update payment details via your account on the website.
  • What is a Tarot reading?
    A Tarot reading involves using a deck of Tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting the cards.
  • How do I prepare for a Tarot reading?
    Have a clear question or area of focus in mind. Be open to the messages and insights that come through.
  • What are the different types of Tarot readings available?
    We offer various types of readings such as love and relationships, career and finance, health and wellness, and general life guidance.
  • Can I ask follow-up questions after my reading?
    Some readers may allow follow-up questions within a certain period. Please refer to the reader’s specific policy on follow-up questions.
  • Are there any topics that Tarot readings cannot cover?
    Ethical readers avoid certain topics such as legal, financial, or medical advice. Always consult a professional for these matters.
  • What should I do if I don't understand my reading?
    Feel free to ask the reader for clarification once you have recieved your reading. You can also reflect on the reading later and see how it resonates over time.
  • What if I need to cancel or reschedule my reading?
    Please refer to our cancellation and rescheduling policy. Contact us as soon as possible to make changes.
  • How are the readings delivered?
    We deliver readings via email for now. We're working on adding video recordings and live video sessions soon. Check the details for each reading or service to know more.
  • What should I do if I haven't received my reading?
    If you haven’t received your reading within the specified timeframe, please check your spam/junk folder first. If it’s not there, contact us, and we’ll assist you promptly.
  • How Do I Get A Reading?
    How to Get a Reading Looking for a reading? Here’s how to get started: Choose Your Reading: Head over to our Shop page and browse through our awesome readings. Find the one that vibes with you. Add to Cart: Fill out your contact details and add it to your cart. Get Ready: Include any questions you want answered by the cards. Enjoy Your Reading: You’ll get an email with your reading within 48 hours. That’s it! Simple and straightforward. If you have any questions, just hit us up. Happy reading!
  • How do I book a Tarot reading?
    Visit our Shop page, choose a reading, and follow the instructions to order your session. We're also excited to announce that live readings via Zoom are coming soon! Stay tuned for updates.
  • How do I know if Tarot is right for me?
    Tarot can provide guidance and insight, but it’s important to approach it with an open mind. If you’re curious or seeking clarity, a Tarot reading might be helpful.
  • What type of questions can I ask?
    You can ask about various aspects of your life such as love, career, health, or personal growth. Avoid yes/no questions for more in-depth insights.
  • Can Tarot readings help with decision-making?
    Yes, Tarot can provide insights that help you consider different aspects of a situation, aiding in decision-making. However, the final decision is always yours.
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