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Radiant Wise Spirit

Also known as the Rider-Waite-Smith or RWS Tarot, this deck was first published in 1909 and is well-suited for any type of reading.

Hidden Meanings

In his Pictorial Key, Waite laid the groundwork for an Intuitive Reading of the Tarot. This technique allows you to interpret a card in a Spread based on your personal reaction to the image, rather than relying solely on a predefined list of meanings. It gives everyone interested in Tarot the opportunity to understand the cards without being tied to a set inventory of interpretations.

Words and Pictures

The Radiant Wise Spirit deck became hugely popular, partly because it was the first to illustrate the Minor Arcana since the 15th-century Italian Sola Busca Tarot deck it was based on. Smith, drawing on her background as an illustrator and theatre designer, crafted imagery that was deeply evocative and accessible to all, especially Tarot beginners.

The deck's characters are universally depicted, almost gender-neutral, allowing Readers to see themselves and their situations reflected in the cards. Sadly, Waite and Smith didn't live to witness the global phenomenon their Tarot deck became, read by millions worldwide.

One notable feature of the Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot was its slight deviation from the traditional Tarot of Marseille sequence. Waite reordered Justice from VIII to XI and Strength from XI to VIII. This led to two distinct Tarot traditions: one adhering to Marseille's order and another, particularly popular in northern Europe, following Waite's adjustment. Waite hinted that this change related to astrological correlations of the Arcana, though he never fully explained his reasoning.

Symbolic Reading

While Waite is credited as the pioneer of Intuitive Reading, he remained rooted in the esoteric tradition of Tarot, where symbolism plays a significant role. In Intuitive Reading, you respond to the card based on your immediate feelings and instincts. In contrast, Symbolic Reading delves deeper, assigning specific meanings to every element within the card.

For those interested in Symbolic Reading, keeping a Symbol Journal can be invaluable. This journal allows you to catalogue and assign meanings to each symbol appearing on a card. The premise is that each image element represents a facet or characteristic of the Arcana, enriching your understanding and interpretation.

Intuitive Reading Basics

This approach hinges on the idea that images inherently convey meaning. Simply by viewing an image, even beginners can experience sensations, emotions, and generate ideas, leading to a deeply personal interpretation.

Developing intuitive meanings occurs in two main ways. Firstly, through deliberate study of the deck: take time to examine each card, pondering what the images and symbols signify to you personally. Keeping a journal to jot down these insights helps reinforce your understanding over time.

Secondly, during an actual reading, you're tasked with selecting a single meaning from potentially many. Here, associations, ideas, and intuitive impressions come into play, reshaping how you interpret the cards. As the cards connect and the narrative unfolds, your intuition guides the process, revealing insights and truths.

The Cups
The Pentacles
The Wands
The Swords
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