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Getting To Know A New Deck

Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned reader, there are techniques you can use to grasp the specific meanings and vibe of a new Tarot deck.

Individual Approach

Over time, tarot readers often develop a personal ritual for acquainting themselves with a new deck. Some prefer to thumb through each card individually, while others might overlay the new cards onto corresponding ones from an older deck. Some readers dive right into readings. While excitement is natural, taking time for patience and preparation can significantly enhance your experience with a newly acquired deck.

One of the first steps in familiarizing yourself with a new deck is to carefully examine its physical characteristics. A tarot deck is more than just its images and symbols - it's also about the materials used. Factors like the quality, thickness, and smoothness of the cards play a crucial role. A durable deck is essential to withstand frequent use without damage.

To assess quality, inspect the edges of the cards. If they're starting to lose color or appear frayed, it may indicate that the cards weren't made with high-quality materials. Ensuring your deck is robust can contribute to a longer lifespan and maintain the integrity of your readings.

By paying attention to these material aspects, you lay a solid foundation for deepening your understanding of your new deck. This approach not only enhances your connection with the cards but also adds more depth and meaning to your readings over time.

Opening Your New Cards

When you first open a new tarot deck, there are several steps to ensure you start off on the right foot:

  1. Check the Cards: Verify that all cards are present in the deck. Remove any title or publisher cards that are not part of the tarot set.

  2. Organize the Deck: Separate the cards into the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana to familiarize yourself with the structure of the deck.

  3. Physical Presence: Take time to handle each card, both rationally and instinctively, noting their physical presence and energy.

  4. Aroma: Freshly opened decks may have a strong ink smell initially, which dissipates over time. Some readers speed up this process by burning incense or sage over the deck.

  5. Shuffle the Deck: Break in the deck by shuffling all the cards thoroughly. This helps with any slipperiness and starts to blend your energy with the cards'.

  6. Consecration: Decide if you want to consecrate your deck. This can be a symbolic ritual affirming your connection to the cards. Popular methods include burning incense during a full moon.

  7. Storage: Properly store your deck to protect it from sunlight, moisture, and wear. Consider using a case, a shelf, or a velvet/satin bag designed for tarot cards. It's recommended that only you (and perhaps your querent during readings) handle the deck to maintain its energy.

  8. First Reading: The first reading with a new deck is an opportunity to connect with its symbolism. Take your time to develop interpretations, preferably in a quiet space alone. Some readers like to initiate this with a personal question to the deck, such as 'What are you going to teach me?' or 'What do I need to know about you?'

By following these steps, you establish a respectful and meaningful relationship with your new tarot deck, setting the stage for insightful and accurate readings in the future.

Getting in Touch

Whatever approach you take, exploring a new tarot deck is an opportunity to connect deeply with its essence and discover what resonates most with you. Each reader can personalize their experience by honouring the cards that hold natural significance while learning everything they can about the deck.

While the theme and artwork may initially guide your interpretations, remember that you are in control. Stay open during readings to the thoughts, emotions, and imagery that capture your attention. For example, in the Five of Pentacles, you might be drawn to the portrayal of cold, dishevelled figures in one reading, while in another, it could be the glow of a distant window that stands out.

Every deck has its own unique voice and elements - structure, themes, titles, keywords, illustrations, and symbolic vocabulary. As you begin readings, it's beneficial to withhold judgment on the artistic choices of the cards. Avoid comparing them hastily to other decks or criticizing them prematurely. Instead, embrace the opportunity to understand your deck as it is. Allow yourself to transcend expectations and tune into its distinct voice and perspective.

By approaching your new tarot deck with curiosity and openness, you'll deepen your connection with its symbolism and enrich your readings with insights that are uniquely aligned with your personal journey.

Embracing Variety

A wise reader understands that each tarot deck doesn't need to adhere to a predetermined pattern or replicate existing connections. If all decks followed the same formula, there would be little room for innovation and creativity in new designs.

Handling a new deck is exhilarating because it opens up endless possibilities. Despite the urge to jump right into readings, taking time to inspect the cards and understand their unique attributes allows you to tap into the deck's potential more effectively as a reader.

To familiarize yourself with different decks, explore the individual pages dedicated to each deck. These resources provide detailed information and insights that can guide you through understanding their themes, symbolism, and artistic styles in greater depth.

By approaching each deck with curiosity and allowing yourself to appreciate its distinct qualities, you'll enrich your tarot practice and gain deeper insights from your readings.

Bringing Tarot Into Your Life

Here are some simple ideas and techniques to help you familiarise yourself with a new Tarot deck and enhance your readings:

  1. People in Your Life as Tarot Cards: Reflect on the people in your life and assign them Tarot cards based on their personalities and characteristics. Who embodies the nurturing qualities of the Empress? Who resonates with the passionate and creative energy of the Knight of Wands?

  2. Big Life Moments as Tarot Cards: Consider significant moments in your life and how they could be represented by specific Tarot cards. For instance, could your first heartbreak be reflected in the emotional pain of the Three of Swords or the journey of self-discovery depicted in the Eight of Cups?

  3. Your Journey Through Books or Films: Think about your favourite novels or movies that have a clear storyline. Which three Tarot cards best represent the beginning, middle, and end of the protagonist's journey? Apply this concept to your own life experiences.

  4. Seeking Qualities in the Cards: Set an intention to cultivate a specific quality in your life and look for it within the Tarot deck. For example, if you desire more authenticity and truth in your interactions, explore how the Queen of Swords embodies these traits. If you're aiming for increased focus and productivity, connect with the energy of the Eight of Pentacles.

By engaging with your new Tarot deck through these exercises, you not only deepen your understanding of the cards but also enrich your personal connection to them. These approaches encourage creative exploration and interpretation, allowing you to integrate Tarot insights more meaningfully into your life and readings.

Boost Your Readings

There are numerous ways to deeply engage with tarot and enhance your readings with a new deck:

  1. Explore Your Deck Collection: Take time to delve into the decks you already own. Each deck typically comes with a Tarot Deck Library booklet (LWB/LBB), offering context and insights into its use. Understanding the unique themes, symbolism, and interpretations of each deck enriches your overall tarot practice.

  2. Practice Reading for Others: Gain experience and confidence by practising readings for others. This process not only helps you become familiar with the themes and questions that resonate with you but also sharpens your interpretive skills. Engaging with different querents' energies can provide valuable insights into the versatility of your new deck.

  3. Overcome Self-Doubt: It's natural to experience self-doubt, but believing in your ability to read tarot is crucial. Trust in your intuition and the knowledge you've gained through practice and study. Recognize that your unique voice and perspective are valuable assets in tarot readings.

By immersing yourself in your tarot deck collection, practising readings, and cultivating self-belief, you'll deepen your connection with tarot and enhance the quality of your readings. Tarot is a tool that grows more powerful with practice and trust in your intuition.

The Cups
The Pentacles
The Wands
The Swords
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