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Choosing A Deck

Picking the right Tarot deck for your readings is key - it needs to fit your skill level and vibe with the situation and client. But searching for the perfect deck can feel a bit overwhelming if you're not sure where to start.

Choosing a Tarot deck these days is like stepping into a treasure trove! There's a deck for every taste: from old-school replicas to modern twists and completely fresh designs. With so many options, it's easy to feel a bit overwhelmed, especially if you're just starting out.

Take your time to pick a deck that clicks with you. Think about what style of art appeals to you most - whether it's classic, avant-garde, or somewhere in between. Consider what themes and symbols resonate with your vibe. Are you into deep spiritual insights, practical guidance, or maybe a bit of both?

Check out who created the deck and their vibe - it can really influence how the cards speak to you. Size matters too! Some decks are big and bold, while others are more compact. See what feels good in your hands.

And don't forget to read reviews or get recommendations from fellow Tarot fans. Their experiences can give you a heads-up on how the deck flows and feels in readings.

Most importantly, trust your gut. The right Tarot deck will feel like a perfect match - something you'll enjoy exploring and learning from for years to come. So, dive in, take your time, and let your intuition guide you to your Tarot soulmate!

In the 20th century, Tarot underwent a profound evolution in how it's understood and practised. No longer confined to rigid, dogmatic interpretations, the Tarot Arcana now serve as vessels for personal experiences and subjective interpretations. This shift has empowered modern Readers to reinterpret traditional meanings and find Tarot decks that resonate deeply with their unique reading styles, current feelings, and areas of interest.

When choosing a Tarot deck, the most crucial advice is to trust your instincts. Your personal connection with the deck is paramount. If you don't feel that immediate spark, keep searching until you find a deck that feels right. Don't settle for a deck just because others recommend it or it's readily available.

If you're purchasing in person, handle the cards and pay attention to the energy they emit. For online purchases, closely examine the artwork and trust your body's response to the images. Does the deck appeal to you visually and energetically? This intuitive connection is far more important than the price tag.

In the past, Tarot was steeped in fixed meanings, modified only by esoteric masters within secretive societies. One notable figure in this evolution was Arthur Edward Waite. He played a significant role in reshaping Tarot symbolism and creating the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which remains influential in Tarot practice today.

For those interested in exploring more about Arthur Edward Waite and his impact on Tarot, you can find further details here.

Choosing the right Tarot deck is crucial for every Reader, and it all starts with understanding your purpose for owning it. Here are some considerations to guide you:

  • Building a collection: If you're drawn to Tarot decks for their artistic value and want to build a collection, focus on aesthetics and how the deck resonates visually and emotionally.

  • Intuitive reading and personal use: For intuitive readings or reading for yourself, choose a deck that connects with you on an emotional level. Look for themes and styles that match your personal tastes and interests. Decks like the Universal Goddess Tarot can be particularly enriching if you love mythology.

  • Symbolic reading and the hero's journey: If you prefer symbolic reading techniques or are interested in exploring the hero's journey archetypes, traditional decks like the Universal Tarot or Marseille Tarot are ideal choices. These decks emphasize the timeless symbolic meanings of the Tarot Arcana.

  • Studying the Tarot: If you're studying a specific aspect, author, or technique of Tarot, opt for a deck that aligns with your goals. It should challenge you intellectually but still be accessible enough to interpret effectively.

  • Learning to read Tarot: As a beginner, start with a simple deck that's easy to understand. Consider using decks that focus solely on the Major Arcana at first. As you gain confidence and knowledge, you can transition to more complex decks.

  • Deepening your knowledge: As your experience grows, your reading style may evolve. A deck that once resonated might no longer inspire you, or vice versa. Don't hesitate to set aside decks that no longer suit your needs and explore new ones that align with your current stage of growth and understanding.

Remember, the right Tarot deck should feel like an intuitive extension of yourself. Trust your instincts and choose a deck that sparks your imagination and supports your journey with the cards.

Take Your Time

Take your time to really explore the imagery on each card. If you're picking up your deck in person, handle each card, and dive into the details of the artwork. For online purchases, zoom in on the images to get a good look.

Don't worry if you don't find the perfect imagery right away. There are so many variations of each deck type out there. It just takes some time to find the right combination of style and imagery that resonates with you. Maybe a deck has stunning Major Arcana imagery but lacks in the Minor Arcana; that's okay. Focus on finding the deck with images that speak to you.

It's crucial to choose a deck where the meaning of each image is clear to you. Take the time to examine both the Minor Arcana and the Major Arcana closely. Some cards might not immediately reveal their meanings, so read through the accompanying Little White Book (LWB) or Little Black Book (LBB) to ensure your future readings are accurate.

Shop Based on Experience

Consider your skill level and experience when choosing a deck. If you're just starting out, opt for a deck with straightforward imagery that's easy to interpret. As you progress, you might want to challenge yourself with more advanced decks. These can feature intricate and symbolic artwork that allows for deeper readings or spiritual exploration.

When shopping in person, don't hesitate to ask for assistance from the shop owner. They might not be tarot experts themselves, but they can guide you to decks that match your preferences and level of expertise. Ask them about customer feedback on different decks to avoid choosing ones that might not be well-regarded.

If you're buying online, rely on reviews to guide your decision. While you can't handle the cards physically, reviews can help you steer clear of poorly made or overly complex decks that might not suit your needs.

By choosing a deck that matches your skill level and resonates with you visually, you'll enhance your tarot reading experience and deepen your connection with the cards.

Are You a Traditionalist or a Modernist?

Consider whether you lean towards a traditional or modern deck. Traditional decks often feature religious or mythical themes with subdued colors, while modern decks are vibrant and diverse in imagery. Sometimes, you won't know which style you prefer until you start browsing and trust your gut feeling.

Some people naturally gravitate towards one style over the other. If you're unsure, take time to compare different styles online. Seeing the same card in contrasting styles side by side can help clarify your preference. Ultimately, trust your intuition. If a modern deck resonates with you, go for it, even if others recommend traditional ones.

Your connection with your deck is personal and intuitive. Choosing one that speaks to you visually and emotionally will enhance your tarot readings and deepen your understanding of the cards.

Read the LWB (Little White Book) or LBB (Little Black Book)

Before making your final decision, be sure to read the accompanying Little White Book (LWB) or Little Black Book (LBB). These books can vary widely in content—from detailed explanations and interpretations to simple card definitions. If you're new to tarot, opting for a deck with comprehensive descriptions and layout explanations in the LWB or LBB can be very helpful.

However, don't let the contents of the LWB or LBB be a deal breaker. If you feel a strong connection with a deck despite its book being less informative, it could still be the right choice for you. You can always find additional resources online or in eBooks to deepen your understanding of the cards and their meanings.

Ultimately, your intuition and connection with the deck are most important. Choose the deck that resonates with you visually and energetically, knowing that you can supplement your learning with other resources as needed.

Size Matters

For instance, large cards are ideal for group readings since everyone can easily see the drawn cards. On the other hand, mini cards are great for travel or more intimate one-on-one readings.

Before buying, ensure you can handle and shuffle the cards comfortably. Cards that are too large or too small may be difficult to manage, which could affect the accuracy of your readings. If possible, handle the cards and practice shuffling and drawing them before making your final decision.

If you're shopping online, pay attention to the dimensions listed. To get a feel for the size, cut some scrap paper into cards of the approximate size and practice with them. This will help you gauge whether the size is suitable for your hands and your reading style.

Choosing the right size and style of tarot cards enhances your overall experience and comfort during readings, so take your time to find what works best for you.

Consider Your Intent

As you advance in tarot reading, you'll discover a wide array of decks tailored for various purposes. Some decks are crafted to foster focus and inner peace, while others aid in spiritual reconnection or are suited for predictive readings.

Navigating the purposes of different decks can be challenging, especially when you're shopping for your first one. Spend some time online exploring decks categorized by their intended use. With hundreds available, there's bound to be one perfectly suited to your needs.

If you're shopping in person, don't hesitate to seek guidance. Whether from a knowledgeable shop owner or fellow enthusiasts, their insights can help you find a deck that aligns with your goals and resonates with you personally.

Choosing the right deck can profoundly enhance your tarot practice, so take your time to explore and consider your options before making a decision.

Other Important Factors

When choosing a new tarot deck, there are several important factors to consider:

  1. The Minor Arcana: Some decks, like the Marseille Tarot, depict the Minor Arcana cards with straightforward symbols (e.g., six swords for the Six of Swords). In contrast, decks such as the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot illustrate each Minor Arcana card with detailed imagery. If you rely on imagery for interpretation, opt for a deck that fully illustrates the Minor Arcana.

  2. The Querent: Communicating the reading's outcome to the querent can be challenging. Choosing a deck with themes and artistic styles that resonate with the querent's tastes and values can facilitate understanding. Many readers offer a selection of decks for the querent to choose from, ensuring a comfortable connection.

  3. Style and Subject Matter: The artistic style of a deck conveys a specific perspective. Delicate watercolors may suit readings about personal life, while a minimalist style might be appropriate for professional inquiries. Decks with darker or more intense imagery could be fitting for readings addressing challenges or deeper introspection.

Considering these factors allows you to select a tarot deck that enhances your readings, resonates with your querents, and aligns with your interpretive style. Take your time to explore different decks and their characteristics before making your choice.

Is There A Perfect Deck?

Not every tarot deck is versatile for all purposes. Wise readers understand this and avoid fixating on finding a single perfect deck. Instead, they experiment with a variety of decks to explore their unique perspectives.

By embracing multiple decks, you can tap into different energies and interpretations that each deck offers. This approach allows for a richer, more nuanced understanding of tarot readings. Whether you're drawn to traditional decks, modern interpretations, or themed decks, each one brings something distinct to your practice.

So, rather than searching for a mythical 'perfect' deck, consider exploring and enjoying the diversity of tarot decks available. Each deck can offer valuable insights and enhance your tarot reading skills in different ways.

A World of Possibilities

There are plenty of reasons to own more than one tarot deck. Seasoned readers often appreciate the variety to keep their skills sharp across different styles.

You can tailor your readings to match your mood. Feeling introspective? Grab the Dark Grimoire Tarot. Feeling upbeat? Opt for the cheerful Happy Tarot.

Different decks are also handy for exploring various situations or catering to specific sitters. Maybe you have a deck for daily guidance, another for spiritual insights, and yet another for relationship readings. You might even have a go-to deck you use for certain friends or family members.

Having multiple decks means you can choose the perfect one for each reading, adapting to your own mood and your querents' preferences. For instance:

  • Use a deck with Christian symbolism for a sitter from that background.

  • Delight your teenage niece with a reading using the Gothic Tarot of the Vampires.

  • Address inner child issues with the Children's Tarot.

  • Spice up your relationship readings with the Kamasutra Tarot.

Each deck brings its own unique energy and perspective, enhancing your readings and making tarot a versatile tool for personal insight and guidance.

The Cups
The Pentacles
The Wands
The Swords
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