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XXI The World

Completeness, Balance

Essential Meanings


Fulfilment, Accomplishment, Success, Wholeness, Travel, Contentment, Integration, Totality, Perfection, Harmony





Golden Art Nouveau

Radiant Wise Spirit

Thelema Affirmation

I dance to the music of all creation. Listen, can you hear it?

Harmonious Teachings

Completion, success, perfection, end of a personal cycle, sincere love. The World card indicates realisation and victory, that one phase has ended and a new one begins.

Marseille Keywords

Fulfilment, successful closing of a cycle, squaring the circle, making a link with the world


He who is master of himself will achieve his objectives.

Realisation, success, fulfilment, joy, conclusion.

ViceVersa (Back)

If you are not feeling a sense of completion, it may be because you are thinking in terms of a continuum rather than a cycle. It is true that everything in life is linked, but it is important to mark milestones. Eternal renewal relies on an acknowledgement of what has been achieved or accepted, celebrated and released. Don't court exhaustion - of body, mind or spirit - by hurrying onward. Everything is happening just as it is meant to.

ViceVersa (Front)

The key concept for this card is completion. It is the last card in the Major Arcana. The four divine beings are brought together to witness the ending of a cycle. The dancer evokes the joy of the female figure in the Death card, with her pose mirroring the spiritual surrender of the Hanged Man. Life has triumphed, the soul is renewed. Take a victory lap and get ready to start the next cycle.

Universal Celtic

The World is enclosed among animals that represent the Celtic world. A Gaelic saying goes, 'Thrice the age of a man, the age of a deer; Thrice the age of a deer, the age of an eagle; Thrice the age of an eagle, the age of an oak tree.' Nature is the world surrounded by the perfect circle of a dragon or serpent, the Uroborus, which represents time.

John Bauer

A woman in a white and blue dress stares into a reflection in the water. Her red cape gives her warmth and the world around her is supportive and balanced. Standing complete in the world, reflecting on where you have been, feeling whole, giving back to your community.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings
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