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XVII The Star

'I am the quiet after the storm. You find me after facing a challenge.'
Hope, Infinity

Essential Meanings


Optimism, Openness, Calmness, Trust, Joy, Serenity, Beauty, Inspiration, Insight, Purity, Harmony, Far-Sightedness, Dream Come True, Faith, Generosity, Tranquility, Understanding, Clarity, Renewal, Cosmic, Irrigate, Guide





The Star card shows us the light of hope illuminating the future, representing vision, truth, beauty, and a return to the source.

The Star symbolises the purest form of beauty and enlightenment, truth and understanding. It is the glow of light illuminating the darkness found in the Devil and Tower cards that precede it in the Arcana. The Star is silence following fury, a slave that soothes the soul, the calm after the storm. It is the ultimate peace.

The Star card is overwhelmingly positive, representing ideal foresight and the ability to think ahead, in a clear and concise manner.

It is a symbol of the artist in communication with the muse, creativity flowing and a wellspring of inspiration. The gentle waters, meanwhile, are representative hope.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Eight-Pointed Star - Represents the purity of the soul in the spiritual realm.

  • Seven Stars - These symbolise the seven planets of traditional astrology, whose movements affect the world - the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

  • Tree and Bird - A representation of the connection between Earth and Heaven, with the Bird of Hermes.

  • Naked Woman - The highest spiritual manifestation of the feminine and symbol of motherhood.

  • Jugs - The female figure pours water into the pool and onto the earth, indicating 'as above, so below'.

  • Water - Represents purity of life and spiritual energy.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Star would communicate to you if it were able to express itself in words:

'I am the quiet after the storm. The calm, open and inspired feeling of serenity and healing. You find me after facing a challenge. My flowing waters refresh your soul. I show you what is possible when you have proven your strength. I am the vulnerability that is the birthplace of joy and freedom. Embrace me and bask in my inspiration.' 


The Star card is the Tarot's first celestial body, followed in the Major Arcana by the Moon, Sun and World. These cards represent the universe and the influence of the planets and stars on us.

  • Visconti-Sforza A female figure stands holding a star in her hand, bringing down the heavens to earth. She wears an elegant blue gown and a cloak decorated with stars.

  • Marseille The Marseille and Radiant Wise Spirit cards depict a kneeling and naked woman, hair cascading over her shoulders. She holds two vessels and pours liquid into the pool and onto the ground. A bird sits behind her in a tree. One large eight-pointed star shines in the sky, with seven smaller stars around it.

  • Pictorial Key The water from one jug falls into the pool, while liquid from the other container falls onto the ground. In the night sky are many small stars surrounding a greater one.


The Arcanum of the Star will teach me to believe that anything is possible. It will allow me to look at the future with hope and energy.

Thelema Affirmation

I pour the stuff dreams are made of into the waters of life, for the dreamers.

Harmonious Teachings

Hope, inspiration, confidence, optimism, renewal, new love. The Stars shed light on the Querent's destiny.

Alternative Names

The Stars

Card Reversals 

Meanings differ depending on whether the Star appears right way up or upside-down.

  • Upright - Positive legal outcome. Sowing future seeds. Doing the right thing, no matter how challenging. Being objective and considering other points of view. Work, career and calling. Restoring balance.

  • Reversed - Negative legal outcome. Wearing blinkers. Not seeing the whole truth. Hidden facts. Unfair advantages against you.

Marseille Keywords

Harmony, hope, vocation, destiny


Pursue the ideal that guides you on your way.

Altruism, idealism, beauty, hope, faith in cosmic designs, sound prospects.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Read up on Astrology, Aquarius, Muse.

ViceVersa (Back)

A breakthrough is coming, something more powerful than you imagined or dared to hope. Everything is falling into place and harmony is being restored. Your task now is to recieve the flowing blessings with a thankful heart. When you heed the calling of your highest self, you can expect miracles.

ViceVersa (Front)

The Star is a card of hope, even in the depths of despair. Come what may, the stars will keep shining. The ibis and the acacia pictured here are both signs of healing bestowed by the gods. Whatever your personal beliefs may be, renew your faith and trust. Your destiny is written in the stars and you yourself are made of stardust.

Universal Celtic

A naked girl kneels by a stream, blowing into her cupped hand. Eight stars dance in the air before her. Nudity represents truth and nature, while the stars are the sign of infinity, prompting us to look ahead, towards other futures.

John Bauer

A knight rides slumped on the back of his horse. His red cape flows over his back and obscures any insignia. The light from the stars above is the only source of light. Reconnect with your true purpose, and look to the celestial light to prepare your path, slow and steady gets you there.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Star in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Live in harmony with those you love, fulfil your desires and never compromise your personality and interests.

Work: Professional success is born out of sincerity of expression, not from shallow hopes and wishes.

Money: In order to achieve financial success, look to the most successful people you know to provide inspiration.


Answer: Find the light which illuminates the mind, as this will make the journey easier. Shine this light on your dreams and desires.

Tip: While there is still hope in any situation, we must set out to accomplish and not wait passively.

Timing: The appearance of the Star card indicates that now is a favourable time to act. It is the right time to begin a journey.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: Have confidence in yourself. Consistency makes you stronger and more capable.

Meditation: Find the beauty that exists around you. Search out peace and allow it to permeate every aspect of your life.

Spirituality: Wake up and open your eyes to the possibilities of a new world. The spirit is free under a clean and clear sky.

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