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XV The Devil

'If you want it, I will grant it... but for a small price'
Passion, Excess

Essential Meanings


Shadow, Falsehood, Forbidden, Materialism, Obsession, Anxiety, Hedonism, Anger, Temptation, Doubt, Vice, Sex, Fear, Addiction, Futility, Control, Power, Creativity, Attachments, Impulses, Taboo, Abuse, Unethical, Indulgence, Selfishness, Charm, Emotion, Passion, Instinct, Self-Interest, Deception, Dark Side





The Devil is a symbol of strength and energy which cannot be restrained, representing sexual attraction and the dark side of the human soul.

The Devil represents all the vices that humans are prey to - pride, greed, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. He is the embodiment of vice, a bad example that leads others to destruction. Advocating complacency, neglecting responsibility, submitting to weakness and embarrassing passions without hesitation, the Devil places selfish desires above the needs of others. 

In this way, he represents human flaws.

The Devil's wild freedom and uncensored pursuit of pleasure leads to personal slavery and dependence. Drug, alcohol and sex addictions are represented by this card, as well as manipulative and destructive behaviour towards yourself and others.

His animal magnetism is seductive and fascinating, yet blind, empty and devoid of all prospects. The Devil is a mirror reflecting the dark side of the self.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Reversed Star

The symbol of Lucifer, indicates the corruption of power or virtue.

  • Devil

This figure represents a lack of enlightenment, evil intentions and slavery to the darkest desires.

  • Male and Female Figures

Chained and naked, these mirror the figures that appear in the Lovers card.

  • Upside-Down Torch

Symbol of ignorance as a tool for enslavement.

  • Chains

These represent how our own desires and fears can manifest in addictions that limit our freedom.

  • Stone Block

Symbolises how material concerns prevent us from reaching enlightenment and spiritual awareness.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what The Devil would communicate to you if he were able to express himself in words:

'I am the hedonist within. People are obsessed with me, scapegoat me and worship me. Step closer and let me gaze at you - let me whisper in your ear. I am the most seductive creature you could ever imagine. I will make your every last dream and desire come true. Money, fame, sex, love, revenge. If you want it, I will grant it... but for a small price. I remind you to keep all aspects of life in check but to have fun. Remember, it is both the light and the darkness within us that make us whole. Come closer...'


A cruel-looking devil figure enslaves a male and female couple, who are reminiscent of Adam and Eve as they are depicted in the Lovers card.

  • Visconti-Sforza The Devil card is missing from the original Visconti-Sforza deck, as were the Tower, Knight of Coins and Three of Swords.

  • Marseille The Marseille and Radiant Wise Spirit cards both show a demonic creature with bat-like wings atop a pedestal. Two enslaved creatures stand beneath the demon. It seems that they could easily free themselves from their bonds yet they choose not to.

  • Pictorial Key This horned and winged Devil bear an inverted pentagram on his head and holds a flaming torch. Chained to the pedestal that he squats on are male and female figures, bound, naked and sprouting animal tails.


The Arcanum of the Devil will teach me to overcome feelings of guilt and indulge without excess. It will help me to understand the darkness within myself.

Thelema Affirmation

I do not harm these people; their horrors are completely their own doing.

It is not for me to tell them how to live their life.

Harmonious Teachings

Materiality, luxury, wealth, sexuality, passion, magnetism, occultism. The Devil is a deceptive card that can confuse and disorient the Querent.

Alternative Names

Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Iblis, Leviathan, Mephistopheles, Prince of Darkness, Dark Lord, the Tempter.

Card Reversals

The Devil is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).

  • Upright

Power and control. Making choices against your better interests. Deception, addiction, submission, obsession. Cruelty to others. Inability to look inward with clarity.

  • Reversed

Overcoming an addiction. Moving past old stumbling blocks. You are free and no longer a slave to obsession. Proceed with caution.

Marseille Keywords

Instinct, ego, dependence


Genius and recklessness often go hand in hand.

Passion, temptation, unbridled sexuality, artistic talent, wealth, addiction, excesses.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Mara, Trickster, Demons, Fallen Angels, Scapegoat, Goethe's Faust, Milton's Paradise Lost.

ViceVersa (Back)

The meaning is much the same as the front with the added message that the Devil's attention is elsewhere for the moment, so you have a better chance of making your escape. Seize the hope that rises before you.

ViceVersa (Front)

This card indicates that it is time for serious self-examination. Ask yourself if you are the Devil in this scene or one of the two figures in chains. The Devil comes out when we exert our power over weaker, more vulnerable people. If you have bullied or intimidated someone or if you are keeping someone in a relationship against their better judgement, take a look in the mirror. If you are the person who has been bund, seek ways to break the chains. Your servitude may not be to a person or position - addictive and destructive habits are the Devil's tools as well.

Universal Celtic

The god Ogmios keeps a man and a woman attached to him with golden chains. His long tongue represents words and temptation, reminding us that it is easier to tempt people by whispering persuasive words rather than by force.

John Bauer

A caped black figure springs into the air. He wears red clothing and carries fruit, some of which falls to the ground below. Holding on too much, escape from reality, taking it all with you.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Devil in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Sexual attraction can lead to love, but it can also be dangerous for the unwary.

Work: Remove incompetent or careless employees and business partners to make way for those who are responsible, capable and trustworthy.

Money: Channelling your energy in one direction will provide you with tangible rewards.


Answer: Instincts, desires and passions are what make things happen in the world, but such impulses should not take over and reign supreme.

Tip: Do not look to others to justify your own actions. Instead, take ownership of what you do.

Timing: It will take one year for this cycle to come to an end for a new one to begin.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: Representing your instincts is like trying to restrain a wild beast. The energy must be released in some way so it does not transform into something negative.

Meditation: Where does good end and evil begin? A person's ego is a teacher with far too many limitations.

Spirituality: Learn how to come to terms with darkness.

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