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XIX The Sun

"I am the brilliance, joy and energy responsible for all life."
Light, Truth

Essential Meanings


Growth, Energy, Clarity, Exuberance, Happiness, Success, Heat, Trust, Awareness, Radiance, Marriage, Light, Evolution, Wealth, Summer, Childhood, Friendship, Expansion, Splendour, Brilliance, Joy, Enthusiasm, Optimism, Enlightenment, Harmony, Friendship, Honesty, Solidarity, Generosity





The Sun symbolises clarity, truth and growth. Like any source of light, it illuminates but also dazzles. It represents the masculine, active, yang principle.

The Sun is the ruler of the day. It is a source of light so unique, so bright, that it contains no darkness or shadow within it. We can gaze at the moon for hours but we must never look directly at the Sun. Sunlight in Tarot is always connected with life, truth, justice and righteousness.

The abundance of light is translated into wealth, happiness and wealth. Often the Sun is interpreted as the triumph of life in all forms, the desire and joy of living. While the Moon represents feminine aspects and receptive nature, the Sun embodies male aspects, expansive and affirmative.

On an intellectual level, the Sun represents truth and an ability to communicate. On the physical plane, it indicates a victory, success, recognition or glory. The Sun is the spirit and state of awareness, a rebuilt world of innocence. It also indicates excellent physicality and a healthy pregnancy.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • The Sun -Symbolises masculine energy, the light defeating darkness, as well as truth and intelligence.

  • Sunflowers - Represent the willingness to seek the light and follow it.

  • Red Banner - Indicates glory, power, creativity and vital energy.

  • Child - Suggests simplicity, naivety and a carefree spontaneity.

  • Wall - A boundary between two dimensions: self-awareness and ignorance.

  • Horse - The animal and material nature of humans, in harmony with their higher self.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Sun would communicate to you if he were able to express himself in words:

"I am the brilliance, joy and energy that is responsible for all life. I represent fertility and growth. I am there to power ideas ain your mind and love in your heart. You can hide nothing from me. I am the nergy that manifests your desires and beauty in the world. Stop to feel me throughout the day. Feel my rays upon your skin and soak in my strength. I am the warm yellow energy of summer and the bleak, white light of winter. As I am the Sun for you, you are the Sun for others. Shine with me."


Nudity, exuberance and youth are implied on all three versions of this card. With the exception of the Pictorial Key, all of the Sun cards in these decks display a human-like face with a neutral expression on it.

  • Visconti-Sforza The Visconti version depicts a cherub with small wings, who has stolen the sun from the sky. He moves across the landscape upon a cloud.

  • Marseille The MArseille Sun card depicts two children dancing, one of them dressed in blue and the other in red. The sun's rays shower down upon their bare shoulders.

  • Pictorial Key The card shows two naked boys in a sunny field. One of them rides a white horse and together they carry a red banner that hides their modesty. The white horse also appears in the Radiant Wise SPirit card.


The Arcanum of the Sun ill help me to directly face any issue, to seek clarity and to address problems rationally, without hiding from the truth or myself.

Thelema Affirmation

The sun is big and powerful.

It makes me feel warm and happy.

Harmonious Teachings

Happiness, excellent health, fortune, cheerfulness, positive period, healthy profits.

The Sun announces that success is near.

Alternative Names

The Light, The God

Card Reversals

Meanings differ depending on whether the Sun is the right way or upside-down.

  • Upright - Streaming energy. A happy time with clarity and joy. Expansion and growth. Healthy body and pregnancy. Truth and light. Transparency and celebration.

  • Reversed - Feeling burned out. A support system is unavailable. Depression. In danger of metaphorical blindness. Too much light, too bright.

Marseille Keywords

Masculine principle, vitality, reason, growth


The soul is light, so let it show itself.

Paternal archetype, success, joy, optimism, teamwork, vitality.

Further Exploration

Read up on Solar Energy, Apollo, Nature.

ViceVersa (Back)

The Sun card is positive on both sides, with the difference on the back being that your doubts and fears are justified. It's good to be aware of challenges and to be on your guard. But again, as on the front of the card, all will be well. Keep moving forward. Expand upon your plans to include contingencies for the darker times, but remember that morning will always come again.

ViceVersa (Front)

When the Sun card appears, it bodes well for any situation being considered. It doesn't matter if you have doubts or fears, success is assured. The universe is working in your favour. If you have been waiting for the right moment for a new enterprise, that time has come. Let your joy loose in the world; let your light shine. All will be well.

Universal Celtic

The Sun rises in the morning between the antlers of a white deer, the god Cernunnos. The animal represents rebirth, as embodied by his antlers that fall off and then regrow. The Song of Life was dedicated to the deer, like the sun that warms and illuminates the paths of the world.

John Bauer

A man walks along the path, his pack weighing heavily on his back. The sun shines brightly, giving life to the wheat growing in the fields behind him. Be optimistic, you are moving forward with your plans, good omens are with you.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Moon in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: The moment of truth lies in discovering if love is lasting or merely a train passing in the night.

Work: Learn from this situation by correcting what does not work.

Money: The road to prosperity begins with boldness, confidence and enthusiasm.


Answer: The simplicity and light of truth gives you the strength to act and achieve every imagined success.

Tip: Follow the light, but do not forget the shadow. Grab joy as it is presented to you.

Timing: The time to act is now. Dare to believe in yourself and have faith in your opinions.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: Sincerity and spontaneity help to improve relations with others.

Meditation: The constant exercise of body and mind helps to keep the physical and spiritual in balance.

Spirituality: Light is harmony. It does not lead to conflict but to understanding your unknown.

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