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XIV Temperance

Mediation, Compromise

Essential Meanings


Tempering, Rejuvenation, Blending, Harmony, Healing, Benevolence, Recovery, Synthesis, Symmetry, Moderation, Health, Equilibirum, Adaptation, Regeneration, Mixture, Patience, Alchemical Process.





Temperance is a figure of peace, indicating meekness, innocence and pacifism. In every gesture she reflects infinite sweetness and elegance. She takes the form of an angel and can be interpreted as turning water into wine. Mixing and energetic exchanges are the essence of Temperance. She suggests controlled passions, expressed without violence or excesses, and reminds us that opposites communicate and thrive in relation to one another. Temperance represents healing and recovery.

Some people interpret Temperance as a reference to the 19th-century social movement that prohibited alcohol. This interpretation is useful in terms of encouraging us to give up unhealthy behaviours, a theme that becomes more relevant as e approach the Devil card (XV).

The card also relates to 'tempering' an object or refining a talent or skill, as the blade of a sword is tempered to make it sharper. The idea of diligence in work contrasts with the Devil, who waits for us in the next card.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Wings

The winged angel symbolises the benevolent healing and soothing intention of the Universe.

  • Sun Symbol

An alchemical sun that indicates the power of transmutation, to change from one form or another.

  • Pouring

Indicates gentle change and the removal of excess.

  • Crown and Mountain

These images symbolise ascension to a spiritual realm, unburdened by the limits of the material and intellectual world.

  • Iris

This flower is a representation of peace, diplomacy and patience.

  • Path

An indication of the journey between rational and spiritual understanding.

  • Water

This represents life, emotion and purification. The angel has one foot in the water and the other on earth, representing the balance of psychic and material energies.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what Temperance would communicate to you if she were able to express herself in words:

'I am where you find the balance between desire and need, wher you discover the stability within your mental and emotional nature. I am here when you need to hone a skill or improve a talent. I am the part of you that finds moderation in all things. I remind you to find your calm centre. I help you to hold uncomfortable opposites until a third option appears. Acting with me, the path remains clear and true. You carry the grace of an angel.'


Temperance is one of the four cardinal virtues (along with Prudence, Justice and Fortitude) and has been a popular iconic image since antiquity. Depictions of Temperance on Tarot cards are usually fairly similar in appearance.

  • Visconti-Sforza The Visconti version of Temperance stands near the edge of a cliff. Renaissance virtues were always painted as women rather than angels, so this Temperance bears no wings.

  • Marseille The Marseille and RWS cards both show Temperance as an angel with no wings. The magical stream of energy between her pitchers appears to be defying the laws of gravity.

  • Pictorial Key Temperance as depicted hre wears a long dress with a golden symbol on the chest. One foot is on land, the other in water. A path winds from the pool to a distant mountain peak, imagery that is repeated in the Moon card (number XVII).


The Arcanum of Temperance will teach me to combine various aspects of life in a harmonious manner and allow me to move without urgency and anxiety.

Thelema Affirmation

I am transforming these two liquids into something new.

Harmonious Teachings

Serenity, reflection, patience, wait, birth, successful marriage.

The Temperance card tells the Querent that contemplation is necessary.

Alternative Names

The Healer, Mercy

Card Reversals

Temperance is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).

  • Upright

Synergy, balance, equilibrium. Adaptation and the ability to combine opposites. Regeneration, practice and blending. Care, recovery and healing.

  • Reversed

Imbalance and feeling out of sorts. Infection or exposure to illness. Compromising in too many areas. Stop trying to please anyone.

Marseille Keywords

Balance, patience, moderation, perseverance


By combining body and spirit you can find the secret of true health.

Harmony, health, tranquility, healing, sobriety, superior guide.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Cardinal Virtues, Hindu Dharma, Forgiveness, Humility.

ViceVersa (Back)

From the viewpoint of the card's back, you are looking toward the Hanged Man's gallows. The angel stands between you and the gallows, her red wings spread wide. The eagle, the lion and the angel seem to be preventing you from or at least cautioning you against undertaking an act of sacrifice. This is not the time to surrender your ego to a higher cause.

ViceVersa (Front)

The alchemical act of tempering a substance transforms and purifies it by bringing it into balance. The angel is tempering the life force itself, pouring from a gold cup into a silver one. Yhis acts as a metaphor for the journey from sun to moon, from active to receptive, from day to night, from logic to intuition and then pouring back again to achieve balance. There is an infinite variety of associations between the to cups. The angel asks you, 'Where are you out of balance? What element needs to increase or decrease? What is needed to restore harmony in your soul?'

Universal Celtic

The goddess Brigid allows the water from a spring to flow through one hand, while in the other she bears a flame. Water and fire are the two fundamental elements joined together by the athanor (alchemical furnace) of the body. Balance and harmony.

John Bauer

A figure walks through water, partially concealed by waves. A snail crawls at the creature's feet. There is a sense of purpose and balance in the movement. Return to the water from which you came, slow and deliberate movement, and find your footing.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw Temperance in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: If you do not get to the heart of the matter, the mood of the moment will affect the love of your life.

Work: All work must progress. Your means and knowledge must be in harmony with present requirements.

Money: To achieve prosperity, transform your work by adapting to the needs and goals of others.


Answer: Something is changing, slowly and continuously. This transformation may be both bitter and sweet for you.

Tip: In easy times, consider pain. In your unhappiest moments, propel yourself towards joy.

Timing: Your patience will be rewarded in time. Wait for two full moons to shed their light on the matter.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: Gaps in your understanding should be addressed, while defects transform into positives in other circumstances.

Meditation: There is much that we can learn from water. It teaches us how to transform ourselves and flow through life.

Spirituality: Bathe in the sea to rejuvenate your spirit. It feeds what is most hidden in your being.

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