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XIII Death

Transformation, Ending

Essential Meanings


Expiration, Transition, Evolution, PAssage, Progress, Conclusion, Regeneration, Loss, Release, Cleansing, Rebirth, Elimination, Revolution, Irreversible, Threshold, Radical, Gateway, Fatality, Mutation.





Death represents both the end and the beginning of all things. It is a symbol of the passage from material and ephemeral to spiritual and eternal.

Death is a universal symbol. The skeleton is the base structure of our bodies, the essence of physical life itself. In ancient times, the Death card was regarded as the representation of the end of all things, a veil of darkness blotting out everything. Allegorical death was the end of human vanity, allowing one to rise above material concerns and to turn the psiritual world thanks to every human's immortal soul.
Today, however, the Death card is usually understood as a sign of a beginning, in that everything new springs forth from an ending. It is not death in the literal sense, but rather change and evolution. Death is continously happening, though sometimes it is painful and unexpected. Mortality separates the frivolous and ephemeral from what is important, eternal and true.

It is normal to feel sadness or loss when you come upon Death in a Tarot reading. It destroys security and forces you to venture beyond what is comfortable. Fear arises from not being able to predict what comes next. Only by facing this fear directly and moving through it do we evolve. If we are sensitive and allow it, Death offers the greatest gift, by teaching us how to live.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Black Flag and White Horse

The flag represents death and how it is connected to life, while the white rose symbolises pure love.

  • Armoured Skeleton

The Reaper (also known as the Black Knight) is the embodiment of death.

  • Rising Sun

Indicates hope, immortality and how the death of the flesh is a new beginning for the spirit.

  • Bishop

This figure of religious authority surrenders in prayer at Death's arrival.

  • Ship

A symbol of life continuing in the midst of change.

  • Fallen King

Represents how everything in the material world is fated to pass. We are all alike before Death.

  • Crown

The discarded crown is symbolic of the old ways being overthrown.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what Death would communicate to you if it were able to express itself in words:

'I stand behind you, in front of you and next to you, watching you and those you love. I am the force you may fear but will never deny. You can no more stop my bony fingers than prevent the seasons from changing. I am the ending that brings about all new beginnings. Embrace me, do not fear me. Look me in the face and accept the consequences. It easier if you do not struggle.'


Death is unrelenting in its steady pace. Everyone falls before it, no matter their situation, power or nature.

  • Visconti-Sforza This version of Death takes the form of a skeleton standing with a bow in one hand. Behind it is a hilly landscape.

  • Marseille Death is on the move in the Marseille card. It carries a sharp scythe, a tool traditionally used for moving and reaping crops, a reference to the Christian concept of Death as a "harvester of souls". Human heads, feet, hands and bones are scattered on the ground.

  • Pictorial Key Death is dressed here like a judge, in long black robes, sitting on a throne of bones. Two figures appear before Death and the sun can be seen in the background between two towers. Your interpretation of this card depends on a great deal on whether you believe the sun is rising or setting.


The Arcana of Death teaches you to let go of attachments to the past and to appreciate the affairs of the present. Change is to be embraced when it arrives.

Thelema Affirmation

What you call life is only the beginning of your journey. Your spirit has more to learn.

Harmonious Teachings

Radical transformation, change, new beginnings, end of a move. Death indicates a major change, positive or negative.

Alternative Names

The Unnamed Arcanum, End

Card Reversals

Death is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).

  • Upright

An ending that brings grief and loss. Sudden change and disruption leading to new growth. Uncomfortable revolution. Gateway to another plane of existence or reality. Sudden and radical change. Release.

  • Reversed

Something needs to change. Putting off the inevitable. Fear of the unknown, avoiding an issue. Stifled by fear.

Marseille Keywords

Transformation, cutting, cleaning, death and rebirth


Have no fear, for every end is followed by a fresh start.

Deletion, conclusion, transformation.

Total and inevitable change.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Dying Rites, Nature's Cycles, Gardening, Grim Reaper, Angel of Death, Hades, Saint Death and Danse Macabre.

ViceVersa (Back)

Death is an inevitability for all of us, regardless of our wealth or social situation. This is also true when it comes to the death of parts of our lives that no longer serve a purpose. When the time comes, the Reaper must reap. This card tells you that you have been given a chance to prove yourself and that the outcome will be positive. The expression on the face of the alchemist pictured on the back of the card is hopeful, while the merchant he sits with seems blissfully serene. Respond with grace to the inevitability of change.

ViceVersa (Front)

This card is a fearsome sight, but do not fear - it rarely signifies an impending death. It is a reminder (or memento mori) that Death comes to everyone and everything. In fairy tales and fables, those who try to evade Death are always doomed to fail. The card sends a message that something has ended or is about to end - and there is no escaping that fact. Release what no longer serves you and make way for the new.

Universal Celtic

Death arrives in silence from the sky, in the form of the beautiful Princess Morrigan on the wings of a raven, surveying the battlefield below her. We will all become equal in death and then be reborn in the early morning sun.

John Bauer

Two maidens stand opposite each other, each with a vessel in their hands. They look like offerings for the night sky. Reverence for the experience, the unknown is closer than you think, transformation from one side to another.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw Death in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Before falling in love again, it is necessary to end past relationships and sever psychic ties.

Work: Unanticipated changes lead in unexpected directions. It is essential to explore these paths.

Money: Do not despair - even in a stagnant economy, your business will resume.


Answer: You cannot avoid a sudden and radical change dictated by chance and circumstances.

Tip: Approach any ending, whether good or bad, with relief, knowing there will be a new beginning.

Timing: The unexpected can occur at any moment, so make sure that you are ready.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: The most difficult moments contain the most important lessons. Once you have learned, it is time to share.

Meditation: Consider whether there can be meaning in a life without Death.

Spirituality: Do your best to live with joy and do not fear pain.

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