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XII The Hanged Man

Transcendence, Punishment

Essential Meanings


Inversion, Reversals, Insight, Halt, Meditation, Sacrifice, Gestation, Surrendering, Acceptance, Initiation, Perspectives, Suspicion, Rest, Limbo, Passivity, Delay, Contemplation, Detachment, Idealism, Transition, Disinterestedness, Utopia.





The myterious and ambigious Hanged Man represents punishment, sacrifice and idealism, as well as the idea of voluntary suffering followed by rebirth.

This is the first card in the Major Arcana sequence that references suffering, but the discomfort is a necessary step for growth and evolution.

The Hanged Man symbolises a moment of difficulty, pain and the inability to act. However, the situation is temporary and the Hanged Man seems to have offered himself up for this test voluntarily. This card represents sacrifice that leads to growth, progress and understanding, with the figure's folded legs being a reference to the crucifixion and the idea of martyrdom.

Upside-down suspension is also symbolic of initiatory rites. This figure represents the transition from one state of consciousness to another, hanging as he does between two different levels of awareness. The Hanged Man is symbolic of a change of perspective and ability to empathise with a different point of view.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Hanging Beam

This represents the boundary between two opinions or states of existence. It is also a reference to a three-way crossroad and choices to be made.

  • Tree Branch

Symbols of life and knowledge, trees express the union between heaven and earth.

  • Upside-Down

Reversal of a point of view and seeing the world with new eyes.

  • Crossed Legs and Arms

Arms behind the back are a symbol of powerlessness, while the position of the legs can also be seen in the World card.

  • Halo

The glow around the Hanged Man's head indicates the enlightenment and wisdom that comes through suffering and perseverance. It is an ancient symbol reflecting the sacred, powerful and heroic.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Hanged Man would communicate to you if he were able to express himself in words:

'I come alive when you approach the world from a new point of view and see it with fresh eyes. I am what comes from the sacrifice of one's self, what happens when we push ourselves past what we think of as our limits. Though I am not always a comfortable space to inhabit, I am essential to your growth. You should not dwell in my space for too long, or you may become static and stuck. Check in with me on a regular basis. I reveal new perspectives.'


The Hanged Man is depicted upside-down. Despite this apparently uncomfortable position, his posture is relaxed and his legs are crossed.

  • Visconti-Sforza A brightly dressed young man hangs by one foot from a branch. In the time of the Viscontis (15th and 16th centuries), criminals and thieves on the run were often painted hanging upside-down by one foot. Occasionally, executed bodies would be displayed in this fashion.

  • Marseille As in the other two cards, Marseille's Hanged Man's free leg is bent behind the suspended leg, forming the shape of a cross. The hands appear to have been tied behind his back.

  • Pictorial Key The tree of sacrifice from which this Hanged Man is suspended is alive and leaves are shown growing on it. The face is composed, with a golden halo glowing around the head, much like a Christian martyr.


The Arcana of Strength teaches you to challenge yourself, deal with discomfort and view the world and yourself from other points of view.

Thelema Affirmation

I hang upside down for the greater good. All my trust rests here.

Harmonious Teachings

Stalled situations, difficult tests and sacrifices, postponed decisions, and reflection.

The Hanged Man brings the Querent back to a static, stagnant situation.

Alternative Name

The Traitor

Card Reversals

The Hanged Man is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).

  • Upright

Moment of pause. A new version of yourself and the world. Self-sacrifice, pause, limbo and stasis. Visions of wonder. Surrender to a situation. Wait for the right moment to act.

  • Reversed

A sudden burst of action. Change of direction. A flash of brilliance. Struggling in a fruitless situation. An excellent decision. Moving forward with speed.

Marseille Keywords

Immobility, sacrifice, reversal, initiation


You need to adopt a different point of view.

Sacrifice, waiting, new perspectives, impotence, illumination.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Read up on the Crucifixion, Odin and the World Tree, Sacrifice, and Inversion.

ViceVersa (Back)

The two sides of the Hanged Man card can be seen as exhalation and inhalation, metaphorically speaking. On the front, ego and preconceptions are released; on the back, symbols enter consciousness one by one. They are perceived more clearly when the mind has been emptied of expectations. You can compare this card to the Hierophant, which also features two acolytes. The snake of the Hierophant's cross has come down to earth. Wisdom is no longer linked to doctrine, rather it is an attribute of contemplation. The mask is broken, illusions shattered. What are you now ready to see?

ViceVersa (Front)

As it is a Major Arcana card, the Hanged Man signifies more than just a regular time-out or change of perspective on everyday situations. The Hanged Man's tunic features the alchemical symbol for sulphur (which symbolises the soul), but it is only right side up when he's upside down - the symbol isn't for him, it's for you. The Hanged Man represents important soul work and indicates your readiness to undertake it. You may already be doing so but without being conscious of it. It is time to become aware.

Universal Celtic

Derg Corra (the Green Man) hangs upside-down from the branch of a tree. His head and face are covered in leaves and there is an acorn in his hands, a symbol of fertility and wisdom. The acorn was the food that druids ate to make prophesies.

John Bauer

Long locks of yellow hair dangle down from a figure perched in a green tree. Standing below is a boy with his arms crossed. There seems to be a connection between the pair. Looking up brings connections you may not have expected, a situation needs a change of pace, taking a sacred break.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw The Hanged Man in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Giving love to another person involves having to surrender self-interest and freedom.

Work: Sacrifice may create a better situation, but it does not erase the mistakes of the past.

Money: Renunciation and thrift can be used to turn a difficult situation into a profitable one.


Answer: Suffering helps us understand what is within us and what we can overcome.

Tip: Standing still better than acting recklessly. Hold back and wait for the right moment.

Timing: We must overcome the cold of winter and wait for the green shoots of spring.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: Accepting mistakes and misgivings should not lead to a feeling of humiliation.

Meditation: The heart can carry unnecessary burdens, so think about what will make your heart smile.

Spirituality: The spiritual path that leads to the light passes through the darkness.

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