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XI Justice

Justice, Law

Essential Meanings


Decision-making, Adjustment, Impartiality, Logic, Fairness, Equalitym Insensitivity, Severity, Intellect, Balance, Legalism, Court, Judging, Valour, Presence, Authorise, Exatitude, Stiffness, Rules, Division, Work





Sitting between two pillars, the figure of Justice represents balance, fairness and equality - as well as the need to put in effort to gain a reward.

Justice embodies the search for balance between the conflicting forces that work upon the human soul. The figure of Justice represents independence of mind, the ability to express an opinion, seek answers and act consistently. These qualities can be found within each of us by harmonising different needs, wishes and possibilities.
Justice points out that laws and morals do not depend solely on the subjective opinion of an individual, but instead stem from a greater universal or karmic source. The scales depicted in the Justice card indicates the balance of opposites - head versus heart, matter versus spirit and consciousness versus unconsciousness. They also reflect the ability to assess and distinguish right from wrong. Justice's sword points towards higher thinking and symbolises the ability to act and to recognise what is just and what is unjust.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Sword

Held in Justice's right hand, this symbolises rationality, logic, decision and impartial judgment.

  • Columns

These indicate the sanctity of the Temple of Justice, as well as the concept of balance.

  • Crown

A symbol of sunlight, clear thinking and illuminated existence.

  • Veil

This hides what lies beyond Justice, as sometimes the reasons and ways of Justice are mysterious. It also refers back to the High Priestess card and the hidden knowledge she possesses.

  • Scales

The scales in Justice's left hand indicate care, attention, equilibrium and careful balancing.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what Justice would communicate to you if she were able to express herself in words:

'I am the reminder that you get what you give. Keep an open mind and strive to be fair in all situations. Consider others when you make choices and judgements. Look to me for answers, as I shall revela them to you. I represent your effort, your life's work and your moral centre.'


Justice retains her traditional attributes of sword and scales in the majority of decks. Several modern Tarot decks have switched Justice and Strength, so in some, Justice is numbered VIII while in others it is XI.

  • Visconti-Sforza Justice takes the form of a regal-looking woman in this deck. Female representations of the four cardinal virtues (Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice) were common in the 15th and 16th centuries when the Visconti-Sforza was first created.

  • Marseille This embodiment of Justice sits on a throne. She wears a crown and a brightly coloured dress, with an impassive expression on her face.

  • Pictorial Key Justices's red clothes serve as a symbol of the spiritual consequences of our earthly actions. The square shape of her crown represents a solid mind and structured thoughts.


The Arcanum of Justice will teach me how to balance opinions and be open and fair in all situations. Justice guides me in my pursuit of truth and holds me accountable for all my actions.

Thelema Affirmation

Before you can move on, I must weigh your spirit on these scales. How light or heavy does it feel?

Harmonious Teachings

(Numbered VIII) Justice, harmony, equilibrium, equity, discipline, order, legal questions. Justice invites the Querent to reflect and judge.

Alternative Names

Balance, Impartiality

Card Reversals

Justice is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).

  • Upright

A positive outcome to legal matters. Sowing future seeds. Doing the right thing, no matter how challenging. Being objective and considering other points of view. Work, career and calling. Restoring balance.

  • Reversed

Negative outcome in a legal situation. Wearing blinkers. Inability to see the whole truth. Hidden facts. Unfairness.

Marseille Keywords

(Numbered VIII) Law, balance, justice, decision


Weigh things up, make your decision and reap the benefits.

Equilibrium, universal laws, rigour, responsible decisions, judgement, neutrality.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Law, Karmic Law, Law of Return, Reciprocity, Golden Rule, Hall of Justice, Athena, Maat, Jurisprudence, Themis.

ViceVersa (Back)

Don't think you can sneak around Justice. You may get away with it for a while, but inevitably the truth will out. It is far better to face it of your own free will than wait and let Justice choose the time to deliver the verdict. The situation is fragile and fraught with danger.

ViceVersa (Front)

It is time to place your heart upon the scales of Justice. The situation demands the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. There is no plea bargain to be made with Justice, but she is not cruel. She is the essential embodiment of fairness. Whatever needs to be done in the situation to make it fair, balanced and ethically clean should be done now. Delay or deny this at your peril.

Universal Celtic

The figure of a veiled woman carrying a sword and scales emerges from a tree. She is Justice, which, in the Celtic tradition was always administered under a tree, because nothing is more just than the law of nature.

John Bauer

A young boy stands before an old woman sitting on a stone. She runs her hands through her hair and seems to be in conversation with the boy. Bring your world into balance, and be fair and kind to others, it is time to make a choice.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw Justice in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Harmony within a couple can be obtained through reasoning, but both parties must assume personal responsibility.

Work: The correction of an error must be immediate. Indulgence and indecision bring negative consequences.

Money: Use precise calculations to explore resources. Opportunities may be too risky.


Answer: Earthly justice is always imperfect. The search for truth continues because it is a destination that will never be truly reached.

Tip: Get to know all of the facts before expressing an opinion. Do not be put off by prejudices and emotions.

Timing: A lunar month or a calendar year will resolve the issue. Justice often represents the inability to make decisions.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: It is harder to judge yourself than it is to judge others. Try observing yourself through the eyes of others.

Meditation: Justice without mercy generates fear.

Spirituality: Purification of the self can only come when you admit the errors that you have committed in thoughts, words and deeds.

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